
Resilience and Perserverance for Tough Climbs

Resilience and perserverance aren’t words that roll off the tongue. They take work to say and do.

Climbing a mountain takes resilience and perserverance.

Having pivoted from corporate careers in hospitality, technology, and non-profits, exercising both resilience and perserverance character traits was a pre-requisite. There’s always facing adversity and tough situations that make you stronger in the end, but stressed in the moment.

I found those years of accumulated experiences are similar to the feelings that can be described on a weekend hike taking a challenging mountain climb that can get the best of anyone!

Every step of pain, difficulty, and determination can mean something about yourself, mental, and physical health state in the process.

If you demonstrate strength, resilience and perseverance to the end, and don’t crumble and turn back before making it the top, you’ll know what a little bit better what it feels like the next time to never give up.

Every experience is unique but builds confidence in us.

When I wrote this raw piece, it came from my emotions at the top of my mountain climb.

Getting to the end or goal is hard work, but the tougher work is getting to face everything inside of you that’s holding you back. The stressors are a sign you’re alive.

It’s you and your mountain.

The mountain can be you in the mirror.

The mountain can be your weaknesses.

The mountain can be your toughest climb.

You can use this as a reminder in awareness for the mountains in life you’re facing. And those deep valleys inside you that when you dig deep can help you get to the other side where the victory is.

You don’t give up in the face of adversity and all the mixed up fear, anxiety, and worry emotions that come along.

In the mountain walk beginning… you appreciate the scenery for a few paces. But then you start to feel the wind knock the air out of you. It’s hardwork.

Maybe you’re a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

This is when you hesitate. And maybe give yourself a pep talk to remind yourself why you came.

The Start and Pause

Character Strength and Patience Testing Stage

A few more minutes in, and reality settles in. You’re wondering if you can do this as you’re getting further away from the start. It’s make or break decision time to keep going or turn back time.

What do you need to let go of your fears and to keep going and growing? 

You wrestle with the voices in the mind (internal struggle). The dialogue can look like this:

Ego fear/enemy: “What was I thinking?” “Is it too late to turn around?” Searching for an excuse such as, I forgot my___ at home or in the car and I forgot to do ___.

More fear survival thoughts:

I’m too cold.

I’m too hot.

I didn’t eat enough.

Cheerleader/angel: No, you got this! You can’t turn around. Face your fears as you came all this way for a reason.

You: Ok I’ll just pause for a minute and then see how I feel.  

Cheerleader/angel: That’s right, just take one step at a time. You have resilience and perserverance.

Mountain: I’m solidly here with you.

I’m convinced to keep going.

Minutes later, I feel a little small, fatigue, and tired.

But, I do the opposite as how I feel and push even harder.

Survival Steps (where heart is beating fast)

Check In with Self-Strength Stage

Then those push-through moments catch up.

And I take a pause to catch my breath for a second wind.

And I take a few water sips that’s life giving. I think, “I never loved water so much before.”

I take some more steps.

I repeat stopping and resting – all the things we’re taught to do. Focusing on deep inhale breaths that brings life for Vata.

…As does the water sips for Pitta.

…And pausing for tired Kapha in us.

Flexibility and Determination Test

Burn Stage

Then your legs start to burn when you’re almost there. Or other body parts hurt and you want to give up and turn around but you know you’re close.

You think about how you’ll reward yourself at the top and afterward.

Ego/fear: How much longer? My ___ hurts. I can’t feel my ____ body part anymore. This is too hard and I’m not built for this.

Cheerleader/angel: You’re Almost there. Just one more step.

I put one foot in front of the other staring at my steps. 👣

Almost There/Final Steps Challenge

Resilience and Perserverance Stage

By this time, you’re tested in patience by your surroundings. You just want to be done. 🙄

But instead you pace yourself, and you stop and pause. And you let those in a hurry pass by you.

High Vatas embrace the new challenge and variety of the steps.

High Kaphas need inner patience. Kaphas were built for endurance, resilience and perserverance and need the encouragement.

High Pittas need patience with others… those around who are competitive and doing dance moves. They have to fight from feeling annoyed listening to others’  loud conversations and not judging their tendencies.

Proving Your Stamina and Dedication

Believe in yourself. You’re starting to feel like you’re more capable afterall than some of those inner voices led you to believe.

You’re in your own lane. Like yoga, you’re not competing with anyone and yeah, you got this! It’s just you and the mountain.

Now, you can taste the top.

And in those last few steps of the clim you feel relieved like you just birthed a new being inside you.

The Victory – Yass! You met the goal you sought after. You’re feeling good and accomplished. And the view is nothing less spectacular. 🎇

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