
Chocolate Soft Serve Ice Cream Recipe

Chocolate soft serve ice cream is a treat that puts smiles on most our faces (even if its opposite, vanilla is our favorite flavor).

soft serve ice cream chocolate recipe.Soft serve is creamy luscious. And light, so it’s lower calories and healthier than ice cream.

It’s easy to make at home in convenience.

Plus, we don’t have to be disappointed when we pull up to the order line and we’re told the machine is down.

One of my fondest shopping childhood memories (besides grocery shopping) was at the mall where they had a food court.

They had a soft serve place where they served the chocolate-vanilla twist they called a zebra cone.

…How cute, yes? 🦓

So that’s how I remember soft serve. And you have your memories and can make your chocolate soft serve dreams come true if you wish.

Soft serve ingredients are healthy.

Eggs are a good source of some B-vitamins, A, and D.

So when you add milk that has some healthy fat, the fat vitamins are better absorbed into your body. Vitamin-D is also essential for good bones and help absorb calcium.

As we get older, our bones weaken and the earlier we can optimize our bone health then we benefit.

We started as babies drinking milk and full circle the same vitamin source is what we need for our aging health, so we can improve longevity.

On that mission, the unsweetened 100% cocoa ingredient is anti-inflammatory and helps protect against chronic diseases.

You can make for a chocolate coconut bar recipe that needs no baking or an individual gluten-free chocolate cake that was what we served when I menu planned at restaurants for special events like weddings.

You can also use a natural sugar like monk fruit sugar recommended by dieticians that will help emulsify the eggs and milk together.

soft serve ice cream chocolate recipe.

Chocolate Soft Serve Ice Cream (Egg Yolk Method)

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup fine sugar (monk fruit sugar alternative)


  • Add milk and cocoa powder to a pot, and heat until you see a light boil (a few small boil bubbles). Then turn the heat off.
  • Take the pot off the heat and let cool for a few minutes.
  • Add your egg yolks to a separate mixing bowl and beat with sugar to emulsify until pale or lighter yellow color.
  • Add slightly cooled mixture to egg yolks and constantly stir with quick motions (prevent curdling).
  • When combined, set in refrigerator to cool down for about 15 minutes or longer.
  • Prepare ice cream maker machine and bowl if you will be using one to set the soft serve ice cream. Take bowl out of freezer for about 30 minutes if it has been in the back of the freezer. Freezer temps vary but you want the bowl cold enough but e.g. not with frozen icicles on the sides but not water condensation. Tip: for the balance, have the bowl a little less cold because you can always freeze the ice cream back up in the freezer. And soft serve is more creamy, watery, and soft than ice cream.
  • Alternatively, if you are not using an ice cream maker/bowl, be sure to stir the ice cream every half hour or so to remove any forming icicles.
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