
Avocado Ice Cream – Dairy Free

Avocado ice cream is a flavor that is good if you don’t want a sweet ice cream bite. You can even have it for breakfast!

It’s creamy and you can get a pistachio or chocolate taste from the mild flavor by adding a few chopped nuts or cocoa dashes.

Avocado will play well in any sweet (or savory) bowl. Maybe that’s why avocado is touted as a super fruit. 🥑

…It’s balanced and a healthy monounsaturated (or unsaturated) fat that we now know is good to accompany with protein as one of the key macros.

Avocados are good to break a fast or at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

An avocado can also be part of a strategy for weight loss. Once-upon-a-time (ahem-the 90’s) fats were deemed bad. And even nuts… that’s nuts! 🤪

But now we know there are different types of fats and avocado and olive oil are at the top of the healthy echelon of fats.

Besides that, an avocado has a list of healthy benefits longer than the number of groceries for the fast checkout out grocery line.

Not only is an avocado an anti-inflammatory food and packed with vitamins, and minerals, but it also has protein and fiber.

What used to be a topping for tacos and ingredient for guacamole dip, is a staple for everyday eats.

So why not avocado ice cream, that makes us scream (and I scream) in happiness?

Imagine pairing this pretty green bite with your homemade soft chocolate ice cream. And then for your toppings, you add your sweet fruit.

That’s one healthy ice cream bowl! 🍨 And in blended scoops, this avocado is made without eggs.

Avocado ice cream in a blended bowl with chocolate and mango.

This soft avocado ice cream is made dairy-free with coconut cream and date as a natural fruit sweetener.

Dates are a sugar sources that has protein, fiber, minerals and vitamin antioxidants. Compare that to refined sugar, and dates are super foods and super sweet.

Coconut cream is a complete macro with protein, carb, and fat. Since it has lauric acid saturated fat, it has shown to raise good HDL cholesterol that helps our heart health.

In the U.S. since we’re eating more healthy avocados, we’re making them in the California now, so you may keep seeing the abundance trail and prices come rolling down.

So what are you waiting for? You can make your avocado ice cream today. 😋


Avocado Ice Cream - Blended Scoop

When you go to an ice cream shop, you usually order different flavor scoops. And choose your toppings. You can do the same with homemade ice cream.
Course Dessert
Cuisine American, Mediterranean
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • ice cream machine


  • ½ medium avocado
  • 1-2 tbsp cream of coconut
  • 1 date, finely chopped


  • To make several scoops, mix ingredients.
  • To firm up, use an ice cream machine. For best results, keep the bowl chilled in the front of the freezer. turn on and use right away before icicles start to form in and around the bowl.
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