
Circadian Rhythm Is Affecting Your Happiness

Circadian rhythm is our internal body clock that’s a part of nature and Ayurveda (the study of life). It affects how birds migrate and the happiness of our house plants. 🪴 These things affect us.


And circadian rhythm indirectly affects our mind-body and how tired or happy we are. 😊

Circadian rhythm quietly affects our sleep, feelings of energy or zapped energy and our cognitive ability or disability.

It’s an underrated important factor in our happy daily lives.

In this article, you can learn all about circadian rhythm from changes in our daily environment and easy tweaks you can make, so you can impact your happiness.

Circadian rhythms are deep and affect our spiritual lives deep within us.

It has a ripple effect from the outside…

So we want to make healthy tweaks to our lifestyles to keep the circadian rhythm balance humming along nicely.

One powerful way we can control our circadian rhythm is with the light and dark influences in our lives.

That’s as natural as the first verse and creation chapter of the Bible..

In modern terms, if you work night shifts and sleep in the day, your circadian rhythm changes.

Work shift shifts create mood swings. Try saying that 10 times fast.

We need natural visible blue light in the day that’s naturally strong from sun light.

…And yes daylight is the same blue light we’re warned about that comes from computers, but 100,000 times stronger. 🌞

💡And that’s the first easiest impact we can make.

My first understanding about circadian rhythm was not from light vs dark lessons, but in an Ayurveda class discussion about sounds.

From the experience we each received a unique, natural primordial sound that was happening at our time of our birth. It starts with “Om.”

As a miracle, those sounds are as natural and spiritual as birth.

These are part of the first earth sounds we heard in our echo chamber sound booth coming out of the womb. We could probably feel the sound energy happening then because we’re spiritual beings tied to an energy bigger than ourselves.

So I learned that circadian rhythm was part of light and sounds… and as part of our sight and hearing, it closely affect our minds.

Our minds are wired to our affected wakefulness, alertness, memory, mood, and slow (or quick) cognitive function that end up  impacting our daily happiness and mindfulness with  relationships.

And if our happy mood is down for a season, then we can feel dark or void inside.

As a visual, all you have to do is shut your usual window blinds for a week and that throws your circadian rhythm off.

And sliding down that slippery slope, you’d feel off. It doesn’t matter if you’re a sensitive person or not… all that matters is you’re human.

…Like when we change our clocks for daylight savings and we’re off of our rhythm for a day or two.

And this rhythm is tied to our sleep and how tired we feel.

When you sleep closer to 9 hours and still feel tired, you can rationalize the tiredness with working more hours, clock time changes, stress, season changes, or even getting too much sleep.

But more sleep isn’t the answer.

When you’re cranky and it feels like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and maybe carry around the bad moods, they creep into lower quality or less productive work. It takes more energy to get the same bare minimum things done.

And that can lead to our loving sides affected and our relationships taking a back seat.

This can become crippling if you shut out love and let in the negative and fearful spiritual tendencies that become the surrounding air breathed.

This can happen as easily as when you’re too preoccupied busy to notice your surroundings, or you let your ego take over your thoughts and play thought tapes over and over again.

It’s subtle to you as you pay less attention.

E.g.o. (edging God out) clouds over and those behaviors hurt  productivity and happiness.

Letting in more light wind (spirit) is going to sway you in the right direction out. Instead of south, you head north in the opposite direction.

You can naturally find your way out when you know from experiences which way is up (as your natural wisdom helps you).

Knowing can come from tapping into your quiet space and spiritual self that often comes from gut instincts (not logic).

Sometimes answers pop right in… and sometimes you have to mull on the peaceful thoughts longer.

Because light and dark is a spiritual battle not based on reason…

Some of the battles can be avoided.

How? Patching a simple early fix like more blue light in the waking hours already mentioned, so you have more energy ⚡️ in the day that circadian rhythm regulates… and this helps you get to bed at normal times.

Blue light is a good answer, but it often gets a bad rap because of warnings to shut off digital devices late at night… which is good to do.

But in the same light, it’s not emphasized enough how much natural blue light you need in the day. 

Tip: Be just be sure to wear UV-protected sunglasses and sunscreen in sunlight.

Because UV and blue light aren’t the same for your health, but often gets confused in today’s world. UV is harmful.

With enough blue light, then you can get the normal sleeping patterns that can reset the lower spectrum or first few hours of deep sleep (Delta sleep) when the body mostly resets and repairs.

That’s why you hear of people who only need 4-5 hours of sleep… and it’s enough.

Often they have a strong purpose (or busy season) and what they will do in life, like getting up for the New York Marathon race, voting, or taking in a new travel adventure.

Then sleeping at the bare minimum for the daily body repair is enough because excitement carries over or their Pitta drive drives them.

But if the minimum sleep isn’t achieved, then no amount of coffee, 80’s music, or a jolting pine eucalyptus candle is going to revive.

Sleep is irreplaceable.

In summary, these are a few healthy reminders:

-Get back to your light-dark/day-night schedule and normal sleep times.

What unnaturally took you off your circadian rhythm can be restored with natural healthy moves, such as:

-Listen to nature sounds like birds chirping by the river, or the pitter patter of rain. Those were part of nature when you were born and can revive you. Today, you can use technology to get those effects and drown out manmade construction and technology sounds.

-Add sleep-inducing foods with melatonin and B6 to help your sleep like eggs, bananas, nuts, yogurt, and avocado.

Those sound like breakfast food 💭 and if you’re having a hard time sleeping, like warm milk, these types of foods are helpful.

-Create a 3-day rule for yourself in self-discipline. If you don’t get better in 3 days or after the weekend has ended, then commit to fixing it in other ways like changing your routine that isn’t working for you now and in your quiet spiritual space.

-Breathe in words of inspiration like that from the Bible to get back to nature and your loving roots.

The Book of Psalms is one love letter full of natural wisdom and blessings of peace, love, and hope.

The timeless words are in weddings and funerals because those are the biggest pouring out-of-love events.

And those loving feelings and words can help turn your off-balance circadian rhythm feelings into happy good.

Turn on the light and naturally get a ‘lil happy today. You’ll be glad you did! 😎

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Pan co’Santi With Bananas

Pan co’Santi is All Saints Day bread and National Cinnamon Day bread celebrated on November 1 and anytime year-round that you want.

Anything happy goes these days!

And this joy-filled bread has raisins, walnuts, dates, cranberries… and bananas too!

It’s very much like a banana bread. 🍌

Bananas make this a sweet breakfast bread that goes with your breakfast drink, hot cocoa, or coffee.

…But this banana bread is better… it’s heavenly and has landed on the plate like a meteor in the shape of the sun.

Like a shooting star under the sun to be more precise. It’s earthly food that was sliced in half to enjoy. 🌠☀️

It was sent from above with love. 💌🌤️

And you can have the same experience from your oven.

…Like bread that fell from the sky like a gift during Biblical Ezekiel’s era.

Bread afterall is life.

And LIFE is a gift.

Where we can appreciate the present as in now (and 🎁).

And for the blessing of our daily bread, like this cinnamon bread. 🍞

Bread used to be a food category on its own as one of the four basic food groups when I was growing up. And food is one of the 4 basic needs of survival, so that makes bread a need for us (and this one needs no knead 😊).

These days, since our lives are more complex and we have more healthy food options, we get to choose. Bread is one option in the broader acceptable grain category for healthy living.

And this saintly glowing bread of life is shaped here as sun, earth, moon and stars combined. 🌻🌕⭐️

pan co'santi bread in the shape of star, moon, and sunflower earth.

You can make your celestial and grounded shapes with your baking molds. These could be bread, cake, and donuts.

And for this simple bread recipe, you can use this moist chocolate banana cake bread recipe and omit the cocoa.

Because of how moist and sweet it comes out piping hot from the oven is why I call it cake bread.

…Part of that comes from the nature of bananas.

Banana bread and I go way back before when I first knew what I wanted to do as a grown up that turned out to be a hotel catering planning professional career.

That’s when life was bananas working crazy long hours.

But a bananas life helps you handle chaos later on in life so you adapt better.

And banana fruits that are the star ingredient in this bread are a metaphor for adapting through the changes, as one fruit we can count on (or at least hasn’t changed much over the years).

The new bananas used for this recipe are soft bananas that got mushed up in a freezer bag and were left in the freezer.

Those are the best kind to use for this recipe, where they turn a dramatic scary black like a black car oil spoof.

You can bring out the frozen bananas on the same day as baking day… and let them warm up to room temps.

That’s one way this recipe is super simple.

Another way is there’s no need for yeast, proofing, or proofing time.

And a third way is you won’t need a mixer as you can do this all by hand with little effort.

…So maybe I got your attention now. 😊

And to lean in on easy recipes, I like to mix using a regular metal kitchen spoon instead of a whisk because the batter can get sticky and you end up losing a big part of the batter that way… and that could be the reason for a low-rise bread (as there’s less batter).

Mixing is also why this is more like a cake recipe, but turns out like a bread in the magical oven.

The baking secret is to use use enough flour so that the cake bread can stand almost firm on its own. That will better ensure a bread with homemade bread holes.

We don’t want too dense of a bread, but we want a moist bread that will rise and not look flat in the end. 

And if you’re like me, you probably like to see the ingredients first to see if you have them and want to use or eat them. 😋So here’s the Pan co’Santi bread easy ingredient list:

mashed bananas

coconut oil

maple syrup


almond milk


baking soda


ground cinnamon

optional: walnuts, dates, raisins, craisins

And that’s it!… go Pan co’Santi bananas and welcome in the new season weather and time changes!

You can also try other autumn bread recipes.

chocolate banana bread recipe.

Easy, Healthy Chocolate Banana Bread (Cake)

Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 cup mashed bananas (225 grams)
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil (73 grams)
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup almond milk (59 mL)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1-1/3 cups flour of choice (168 grams)
  • 1/3 cup cocoa powder (40 grams)


  • Combine wet ingredients with dry ones. Mix well.
  • Prepare baking pan with baking spray or light oil to prevent sticking.
  • Bake in 325 F˚/ 170 C˚oven for 65-80 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.
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Chocolate Mint Biscuit (No Bake)

Chocolate mint biscuit is one of my happy cookie memories. They were the Girl Scout Cookies that I grew up with. And Thin Mints were my favorite… Hands down (and up)! 🙌

I’ll show how you can get similar tastes below that I made in my weekday NO-bake kitchen tent…

Mint Chocolate Biscuit recipe you can make that's no bake.

Where I have all the ingredients. And I laugh when people say peppermint flavors “taste like toothpaste.”

…Like I did watching The Great British Bake Off where one of the contestants said that on Biscuit Week where a peppermint chocolate technical biscuit challenge was presented on the gingham table under the tent. 🎪

…And if you agree and a Girl Scout Samoa cookie is more your taste, then you might like this energizing and healthy Chocolate Coconut Bar.samoa cookie bars recipe.

BUT, if you’re okay with Thin Mints or peppermint is your chocolate vibe… what makes the mint chocolate biscuit cookie so enticing is that it melts in your mouth with a magically good crunch.

And if you leave them in their sleek cellophane sleeve in the freezer for a few hours, the crunch is even more pronounced.

Inspired by them, I made my own cluster of chocolate peppermint treats.

They look a wee-bit like chocolate popcorn, yes?… but you’ll never guess what they are made of…

It’s NOT popcorn… they’re oyster crackers.

Yep, the kind you buy from the soup aisle in the grocery store or that is served with a bowl of restaurant soup.

This bowl was a homemade oyster seafood broth that looks like it’s adorned with a strand of classy oyster (cracker) pearls 🦪

delicious seafood soup.

Before you laugh at or dismiss the sweet biscuit idea, consider it as a snack…

Rather than a salty or Saltine one, you get a sweet bite that satisfies your sugary hankerin’. 😋

If you like a crunchy biscuit, and the chocolate-mint flavor pairing duo, then this simple way could do the trick.

And if you’re like me and appreciate a perfect cookie shape but prefer to spend your time on other baking or non-kitchen projects, then these bites are time-savers when you look at it that way.

And they don’t have the long list of processed ingredients you find in packaged goods (that aren’t simple crackers).

These will get gobbled up too… before Thanksgiving. 🦃

And without guilt… I mean, have you ever made something too good you didn’t want eat it or give it away? I know you have and I know I have.

But these you don’t have to think twice about because you can make plenty of these in no time like a Keebler elf.

…Remember, they’re NO BAKE so there’s no oven wait.

So you can make these in minutes, and maybe seconds… ⏲️

And Voila! you have a low-fat, low-calorie tasty chocolaty snack.

You can also add these to your EASY snack list for road trips, hikes, and lunch bags.

Recipe below. 🧡

And if you’re still on the idea fence… these cracker snacks are light compared to buttery baked goods, so they won’t weigh you down.

Saltine cracker ingredients are simple: unbleached enriched flour (wheat flour enriched with thiamine, niacin and riboflavin B-vitamins), palm/canola oil, salt, malted barley flour, baking soda, and yeast.

…That’s pretty much the same type of healthy-style bread baking ingredients that you’d use if you were baking healthy at home.

Many store bought crackers use a ‘lil oil for the fat and in moderation that’s all good. And for the chocolate you can melt with a coconut oil healthy fat that gives a nice glossy shine.

This mint chocolate biscuit recipe uses a healthy no-taste coconut oil that doesn’t compete with mint. More on that below. Keep reading…

And so mint is the flavor we want to be the star. 💫

Plus, peppermint is calming…

If you have a tummy ache, reaching for a peppermint tea is good to have in your food-as-medicine pantry cabinet.

Peppermint relaxes the muscles along the gut that runs from your mouth roof top all the way to your bottom.

It’s your GI tract but I like to say gut as I think it gets to the heart of the matter, as it helps our happiness (where most of the happy hormones are made in the gut).

…And maybe that’s why we consult our gut for answers… often asking what does our gut say? 😁

And along those lines, peppermint food and drinks are good for our Vata and Pitta sides because we’re getting warmed and cooled by the menthol effects.

That also helps us blend in better with these climate change days.

Plus, peppermint always give the holiday vibes that warms the spirit and gives us a pep in our steps…

A peppermint cocoa blend moves into artisanal drink territory.

It’s NO B-E-a-k-e.

…Just like these easy, No FAFF biscuits (as they would say in the GBBO tent). 🎪

And the contestants would love this as a challenge where they can skip the shortbread dough step, subtract baking, and head straight to the tempered chocolate stage. 😉

These are made with low-salt Saltines.

And decorated with peppermint candy canes (that were saved from last holiday season for this very special purpose of getting hammer-crushed one warm day).

mint chocolate biscuit recipe zhughed with candy canes.

I also made one with a sandwiched mint cream reminiscent of Grasshopper cookies that mysteriously hopped away.

And if you wanted to use animal crackers, that would be fun. Elephants, bears, and tigers… OH MY! 🐘🧸🐯

…Or go more classic with round crackers reminiscent of Thin Mints.

And brings us back full circle! 🟢

The point is: these will work on any plain cracker (how smart!)… and you’re guaranteed a crunch (unless you dunk them in your drink or soup).

…then you’d have a soggy bottom issue that we learned is no good 😕 from The Great British Bake Off.

And we don’t want to get on the bad side of Judges Paul or Prue.

The Great British Bake Off is all about whimsical baking antics and creative baking.
This is my graphical representation of the GBBO show 🍰


…Especially since we won’t be baking this time.

Melting the chocolate right is the best way to stay in their good graces… and get a decent peppermint flavor that comes through.

So for these chocolate mint biscuit crackers, I used MCT oil because it’s coconut oil without the coconut taste… brilliant!

MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides that help weight management and burning body fat.

MCT oil is often used for optimizing ketone energy (and not for making biscuits 😊). If you’re fasting, you can prolong your fast with MCT oil without feeling zapped of energy.

MCT oil is also good for health and inflammation prevention. We know that chronic inflammation leads to the chronic diseases that are still the #1 causes for mortality.

And if you like what you’re hearing (and get curiously hooked), this is a healthy habit you can habit stack with your coffee or fasting routine.

🎉 So here we go: these are the 4-easy ingredients that will bring the simple chocolate mint biscuit cracker recipe together.

mint chocolate biscuit no-bake recipe ingredients from crackers.


Chocolate Mint Biscuits

These are No-bake and recipe is enough to make a dozen 2" size biscuits like square Saltines that can be enjoyed year-round and spruced up for the holidays.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 12 Saltines (low-salt or animal crackers)
  • 1 tsp MCT oil
  • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/4 tsp peppermint oil
  • peppermint candy (optional)


  • Melt the chocolate with oil and peppermint oil. It will take about 5 minutes with warm-hot water (not boiling hot) with spoon stirring. You can see how to best melt chocolate:
  • Dip the crackers front and back in the chocolate mixture while warm. Set them side-by-side flat on a tray.
  • Zhugh with crushed peppermint (optional)
  • Refrigerate or cool the tray.
  • Enjoy!
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Coconut Carrot Apple Smoothie

Coconut carrot apple smoothie is refreshing and healthy… and one you ought to consider on your list of smoothies.

Coconut carrot apple smoothie zhughed with shredded coconut.

It’s a bright anti-inflammatory smoothie that you can drink year-round and start your balanced breakfast with that includes fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fat to prep you for your protein bites.

AND it’s a great start for supporting weight loss goals

For starters:

Ginger – is a detox ingredient. This is a good ingredient to add to your daily beverage or water.  It’s a punchy flavor that helps digestion and inflammation.

Ginger pairs great with a carrot (…carrot ginger soup 💭).

Carrot is a balanced veggie that’s known for beta-carotene and it’s no surprise that it’s anti-inflammatory. Carrots also have lutein that’s good for eye health. 🥕

Pairing apple with carrot is another balanced pairing. “A” is for apple, and “b and c” is for beta-carotene and carrots.

Red Apple – loaded with anti-inflammatory quercetin. The apple skin has the most antioxidants, so when using all in your smoothie… choose organic apples.

A medium sweetness apple like Gala, Fuji, or Red Delicious apple works well.


Coconut flour is a gluten-free flour that is good for thickening. Since there’s no peanut butter or banana in this smoothie (that’s another smoothie 😋), you need a denser solid ingredient that complements the smoothie taste.

The flour version is a more subtle coconut taste that’s consistent and gives the smoothie a creaminess. If you’ve ever had coconut milks, you may have experienced the inconsistency, where the liquid separates from the solids.

The separation can cause a mix of tastes (not good for picky critics).

Btw, if you have someone who doesn’t like an ingredient, you can always substitute or omit.

…That’s close to my heart because I used to detest ginger and now I love it. And you have stories with your food journey where you evolve in tastes when you give foods another chance… and even some earlier food allergies, you can grow out of.

Spices can be part of that journey.

Cinnamon is one good sweet anti-inflammatory ingredient that you want to keep trying.

…Like in this coconut carrot apple smoothie as one way

Ceylon cinnamon is the cinnamon that’s good for beverages as it’s the healthiest. It has a more sophisticated taste (my way of saying an acquired adult taste) than Cassia or traditional cinnamon we usually see and fragrantly use in baking treats like apple pie or galette desserts.

And to smooth-ie balance this smoothie, add your milk of choice.

Almond milk is a balanced plant-based milk. It has Vitamin D, E, A.

Adding some healthy fat like almonds (that almond milk comes from) help absorption.

Plus almond milk is usually easy to find in the stores, next to the cow’s milk you grew up drinking (that helped you grow up maybe a few extra inches). 🥛

Ready to feel taller and make this tall smoothie?

For healthy inspiration and other delicious anti-inflammatory smoothie recipes 🌈 you don’t want to miss, get the free 7-day Healthy Smoothie Recipe Guide.

Coconut carrot apple smoothie with a cinnamon straw.


Coconut Carrot Apple Smoothie

Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 tbsp coconut flour, gluten flour
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ½ red apple, chopped
  • 10 baby carrots, cooked and softened
  • ginger juice or powder to taste
  • Ceylon cinnamon to taste
  • shredded coconut to zhugh
  • seeds, crushed


  • Blend milk, apple, carrots, flour, cinnamon, and ginger. Tip: keep the peels for texture if you prefer with organic apples. Gala or Fuji apples work well.
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Remove Lower Back Pain From Yoga

I was able to remove lower back pain from yoga that could help you.

Yoga is a life saver.

I removed a day and maybe a season of back pain and in this article you will learn all about how you can too!

That day (yesterday) I could barely stand as my back gave out while I was sitting and doing work.

I calculated I’ve spent over 40,000 hours as an adult sitting in front of a computer.

Granted I know I don’t have the best posture as much as I try to have an ergonomic computer setup…

But computer work is still not physical activity that the body wants. An occasional standing back bend isn’t enough to make the body smile in case that’s your comeback story of why yoga is not in your life. 😃

In mine, leading up to my lower back pain episode… I had driven a lot in the past couple of weeks.

Sitting too much is calling for lower back pain.
Sitting too much is calling for lower back pain.

I’d been doing more sitting than usual.

Besides yoga, I like to restore with cooking, baking, and meal prep where I’m comfortably standing (and gain points).

But looking back, I’d probably clocked in less hours standing in those couple of weeks.

…So all those combined elements put enough stress for my back to give out.

Our bodies act that way. It doesn’t have to be one thing or an injury, it can be an accumulation… and then one day it snaps.

There’s a straw that breaks the camels back. And I was the camel in this case. 🐪

I could feel lower back pain that I hadn’t felt in decades…

In my young adult life, I had a weakened back from a sled injury where one of my vertebrae was compromised and I remember at the time being sad that I lost about a quarter of an inch of height.

Those teen years before then I was working  hard on growing taller. I’m 5’6″ so that’s not short for a female, but you know when you’re younger your expectations are higher as you haven’t experienced enough life to objectively compare.

And this week when my lower back pain just showed up out of no where, I knew I had to wrap up what I was doing and go immediately to my yoga mat… my new healing doctor’s office. 😊

I was lucky to be able to do that being at home where I could mellow out.

Once on the mat, I knew I could fix the back problem that I had felt from time-to-time in my life since the snow mogul accident.

That was a 180 degree turn from my 30s when I didn’t know how to fix my back issues without depending on a professional like a chiropractor or physical therapist.

I went to several different ones but was never fully satisfied with the experiences for one reason or another.

Today, I wouldn’t need to see anyone because of YOGA! And that can be your new REALITY too! 🎉

If you have lower back pain or other body pain (and aren’t healing from injury that can take months), maybe yoga is your solution that saves you and for the rest of your life where acute pain spots often show up again. 💭

With yoga, you don’t need anything special. I mean, it doesn’t cost anything at home and you don’t need to take time and make effort to research places or go anywhere.

…It doesn’t get EASIER than that!

That’s something to get excited about if yoga isn’t a part of your life today and you’re needing some motivation.

That was mine.

And when I hear of people’s ache complaints, I feel for them. I know exactly what yoga poses they need to fix their pain.

…I didn’t need a degree for that as you feel in your  body what works. So in that way, you’re your “best yoga doctor.” And someone like me is the next best thing. 😉

So let me back up and start by saying, I understand we didn’t all grow up with yoga.

…When I was in my 30s, yoga was not well-known in America. You didn’t see modern studios everywhere… or even anywhere.

My first gym where I took yoga classes in 2008 was hip and held regular yoga classes. I really liked the Sunday Hatha yoga class that I showed up to. And like most, I hated yoga after the first class. Yes, I hated it because I didn’t know what I was doing.

But it kept calling me… (a weekly class habit does that).

And then when I moved away, yoga was just up and coming. The Gold’s Gym I belonged to had many yoga classes taught in an inspiring studio. By then I was addicted to yoga.

I also dropped into many other yoga studio classes over those few years and learned other common yoga poses in those experiences.

…So you could say I grew up with yoga in America. I saw when Vinyasa became common yoga practice.

And that’s why I know in-person classes is the best way to learn yoga as you get occasional 1:1 instruction for certain poses, and you have a 3-D experience.

Also, I’ve never met a yoga instructor who didn’t love yoga! What’s not to love once you get the hang of it!?

Yoga is never about what others are doing around you so there’s no need to ever feel inferior or be intimidated. We all start somewhere.

You can start in the back of the class  where no one is paying attention to you so you can watch others who are a ‘lil more advanced by a few classes.

And yoga is union, so we’re in a spirit of love when we’re together in the same spacious room breathing the same yoga air in harmony.

So then you can be free to have greater awareness for your own body and its capabilities.

If you have an Achilles Heal like a less flexible lower back, you learn in class you can’t do full Camel Pose.

And that’s okay. Rather than grabbing your ankles, you can back arm clasp or do the modified prayer hands behind the back. 🙏

When you know the poses intimately like that, then you can do them automatically on your home mat OR in front of a digital screen class.

But starting out with a virtual class is not going to give you the full experience if you don’t know what you’re doing or the yoga foundations.

You wouldn’t have the real life experience to draw from.

So that’s step one for new yoga peeps.

Classes will be a great expansion to your yoga development.

…I’m grateful that I learned the BEST WAY so I can pass on that advice to you. 🧡

Then with yoga knowledge under your belt, you can solve your own aches and pains like general lower back pain or malaise that’s pretty common.

You may not need anything else for restoring daily sitting or computer postures.

Looking up and turning the head is one purposeful move.

…But yoga is the intentional move that saves.

Yoga restores our bodies. Like sleep, we’re doing some resetting good for our body (and mind).

When we bend the opposite way to counteract our regular arching backs and hunching forward postures, we get back to body balance.

In my lower back pain issue, I specifically did Bridge pose with a yoga block to stretch the back more than without. Even on the lowest block setting, I was wincing in pain.

And somehow on my mat, I convinced myself to raise the block to the second setting.

This wasn’t a new pose for me, so despite knowing (the unwritten rules)… like never have pain feelings in yoga, I knew the additional stretch was needed to fix my back issue.

I could do it safely without getting hurt.

And I also knew my limitations where the third and highest block setting would not be possible on this particular day.

So I would not attempt that.

I would stay in the second block setting where I ended up getting stuck.

That can happen.

…I could not get down.

You’re probably wondering why as all I had to do was pull the block out from under me as easily as I inserted it in.

But you see when the back gives out, that pain extends to the butt and legs (where your largest muscles are) that is supporting you and your back in Bridge Pose.

So the block was like an immovable concrete block. It’s actually light gray too (but foam). 😉

So resetting my mind, I rolled backward into Plow Pose getting away from my block that was under me.

Not only was that a great escape… but that’s the pose that saves the lower back.

In Plow Pose, you fully release back stress without needing inversion tables. Remember those?

That’s the pose where you throw you legs over your head so they are above and behind you.

It saved me once before when I moved and my furniture hadn’t arrived for a month…

Sleeping on a mattress couldn’t save me then, but Plow Pose did.

…Sometimes people stop at Shoulder Stand inversions before the pose, but that was unnecessary today in lower back pain pose priorities.

This is where it’s helpful to know the poses you need so you can recall them when needed.

And they’re just finger tips away on the mat.

That just comes with yoga practice.

…And emphasizing that yoga is not about the fancy poses like inversions (like Shoulder Stands).

For physical health and wellness, it’s about restoring your body.

And knowing the restoring poses like Pigeon Pose, Lizard Pose and Sphinx Pose. Those are all good for lower back pain not from a recent injury.

Plus a good resting pose like Child’s Pose or Hare Pose. You can ball back up for a moment into your inner child.


Now I can rest. Today I feel brand new jumping out of bed.

In a few days when I know I’m fully recovered from this episode (that again was not an injury), I will go back to stomach exercises that support the back and lifting small weights.💪

Both the stomach and weights are so important for building muscles that are needed to support the back (that carries us back).

We all need that!

So I hope this encourages you to do more healthy yoga! 🧘🏻‍♀️

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