
Orange Juice vs. Mango Juice Alternatives

Orange juice vs. mango juice is hard to tell the difference when squeezed. But easy to tell when tasted. Mango is also much thicker.

Orange juice vs. mango juice. Which is this?
This is fresh mango juice. 🥭

And today orange juice is making waves and not much juice. The OJ shelves are not full like they’ve always been. There are always grocery food item shortages, but this one was a shocker!

Or is it?

That’s up for debate.

And that doesn’t change the grocery shelves.

With orange juice on the tight squeeze, a refreshing juice alternative option that’s affordable is mango juice that you can easily squeeze at home.

The NEW debate can be orange juice vs. mango juice.

This is not orange juice, it's affordable fresh mango juice.
Both these are mango juice and not orange juice.

Yes, FRESH mango juice in seconds.

Mango has the same color as orange juice in a glass and looks like orange juice with extra extra pulp.

But this is such a refreshing and sweet beverage.

You may never go back! 🧡

It’s also easy to tell when a mango fruit is ripe. Because it’s soft when ripe. And when unripe, hard like a softball (…btw, why do they call them softballs?). ⚾️

Anyway, when the mango turns soft to the touch where you can push your fingers into the mango, then it’s SWEET and ready for your eating OR DRINKING enjoyment!

Don’t worry, mangoes aren’t bruise sensitive like apples.

The tricky part is getting around the slippery fruit after the skin is peeled off.

There is always an irregular shaped flat seed in the middle. You’re best off to use a butter knife just in case the mango slips away from you.

Cut off small chunks and slivers and add to your blender or Magic Bullet that I use.

And then as you get closer to the seed, you can leave the fruit alone and enjoy for yourself like corn on the cob before it slips away from you! 😋

And if that doesn’t appeal to you, how about squeezing your own ORANGE + JUICE. I think it tastes so much better and without added sugar.

There’s nothing that screams luxury breakfast more than freshly squeezed juice.

When’s the last time you saw that on the menu?

So, lesson learned: a fruit juice shortage is an opportunity to seek abundance and make your own fruit juices like juice from oranges.

Or mangoes that are healthy fruits with Vitamins A, C, K, beta-carotene and minerals to name a few nutrients.

Whether it’s orange juice vs. mango, both are great! And maybe you get used to no-added sugar as  a bonus. 🎉





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