
Magic Bullet Recipes

Magic Bullet recipes are so great because they are easy to make and healthy to drink-eat!

If you own a Magic Bullet, you know how easy you can whip up healthy smoothies, drinks, and dips in 5-minutes. How’s that for meal prep!?

Smoothies make great morning starters to prime the gut before your first fork meal. You get to choose your fiber, protein, carb, and healthy fat adds that sing to your body. 🎶

And if you want to get anti-inflammatory (eat-from-the-rainbow) healthy 🌈  recipe inspo  with dessert-delicious tastes, grab my free 7-Day Healthy Smoothie Recipe Guide.

To this NEW guide, I also added some of my favorite anti-inflammatory drink ideas (that are good for a dry January or a healthy year-round lifestyle!).


…Yup, if you want to be happy, feel better… AND live longer, making smoothies is a fun way to challenge yourself.

With an easy Magic Bullet (…maybe that’s how it got its name 🪄), you’re not just limited to smoothies.

…Even though that’s mostly what I use mine for.

But you can also make smooth and healthy Game Day snack dips! Think of it as an easy mixer.

Hummus is easy. With a can of chickpeas, you’re off to the races. Drain most the aquafaba liquid to your creamy preference, and then add a healthy drizzle of olive oil. From there, that’s where it gets fun!

You choose your savory flavors. 😋

The ones I’ve found that come through add the wow factor. 🤩

For spicy: add garlic. For lighter spice, add garlic powder for a hint. For a more pungent kick, add minced fresh garlic.

For heat: add a dash of cayenne pepper. Try a ‘lil first and taste test before you go full-throttle. The heat sneaks up on ya!

And, then to cool (for cool 😎): I always add a heavy dose of cumin that brings the enhanced balance to the hummus flavor (like salt). It won’t be the same without.

Spices like cumin and cayenne help Ayurvedic healthy moods. The cooling cumin spice is good for Pitta. If you blend with a dash of cayenne heat, then you also balance your Kapha.

…And the cool and hot spices are perfectly seasoned weather to your body.

Having worked years in event planning for foodie Mediterrranean (Spanish, Italian, and Lebanese) restaurants, sumac was added for color and tartness and za’atar as an olive oil dip for pita bread or crackers.

You can bake your own easy za’atar crackers.

And in dips like these!…

Guacamole – with a ripe avocado, lemon squeeze, a drizzle of Mediterranean healthy olive oil, and diced red onions, you have guacamole dip! 🥑

…That you can dip in anything and everything! Like your own whole wheat sourdough pretzels recipe where sourdough is especially good for Kapha metabolism and losing weight.

…Or dip your easy pita bread.

…And of course corn, chips.

Sorry, I have no good chip recipe substitute for store-bought blue chips! Sometimes the make-or-buy decision is easy. 😊

Baba Ghanoush – lemon juice,  sesame seeds, olive oil, and substitute zucchini

Baba Ghanoush is usually made with eggplants. But with allergic reactions to nightshade veggies, you can easily substitute with zucchini that often is more mild and palatable to most tastes.

And if you’re not nightshade shy and go the eggplant route, you can add roasted bell red peppers.

Pesto – basil leaves, EVOO, and pine nuts (or walnuts)

Add your basil leaves and then nuts and oil. This will smoothly chop down the nuts. When you pulse, you’ll see the dip turn green as the green leaves blend in. 🌱

Pesto is a healthy alternative to tomato sauce for pasta and you can even add more green to your zucchini pasta for plant-based inspo that I wrote about in the God winks.

The Magic Bullet is my #1 go-to easy tool for smoothies, dips, and one-bowl mixing easy brunch waffle recipes (and pancakes) 🧇… where you want to combine wet and dry ingredients like flour so it’s smooth without big clumps.

You can even make your own easy apple sauce or use in the emulsify egg yolk step for making ice cream recipes like soft chocolate ice cream that’s so easy to make at home. 🍨

You don’t have to bring out and clean a baking mixer with a simple multi-purpose kitchen tool like the Magic Bullet.

And you can make healthy soups like low sodium healthy carrot ginger soup or beet cauliflower soup 🌈 that’s a great year-round cold or warm  anti-inflammatory fall soup.

The easy, delicious meal possibilities are endless! Please come back for more Magic Bullet healthy recipe inspo.

free smoothie recipe guide made easy with a Magic Bullet blender.

Oh… and don’t forget to get the FREE rainbow healthy smoothie guide to amp up your anti-inflammatory healthy lifestyle!


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