
Transformation Change Lead to Purpose

Transformation change such as changes in identity (and realizing that you won’t go back to past and old identities that no longer serve you) lead to personal growth and purpose.

Keep going keep growing sign is a motto to live by for personal transformation change.

That’s what this article is about.

And I believe what this Life is meant for (…while enjoying the perks and good foods that our living planet offers). 🎉

Consider: why would you stay the same as you started as an adult? You know the better way now than you did even a few years ago.

As adults, one identity we all grow out of is our childhood identity as a rite of passage.

With more years, we gain more experience, knowledge, privileges and freedoms, and respect for our wisdom gained and shown in our lives and communities we belong in.

Accumulated wisdom is a wealth of knowledge as byproduct of transformation change.

And life transformations are about wise growth and celebration of life where each year we live, we can celebrate a new year and our birthdays.

We also get the free-will choice to live life differently than our past… making healthy changes.

And a positive transformation change from personal growth would enhance our future lives (for the rest of our lives).

Embracing a new change inside us could change us deeply.

While we’re not in control of our life destinies or even what opportunities come our way, we can take wise daily steps that lead us to the right ones for us when we’re ready.

If we’re open to and available when something big comes our way or when opportunities call that may not be what we thought or thought we wanted, that can accelerate our growth and reaching our fullfilling purposes we’re destined for.

If we’re stuck, going in a different direction is worth investigating.

Avoiding a new direction in front of you would be like trying to turn back time or fit the genie back in the bottle to the former life seasons with the better perspectives you have now.

Because today and now is already yesterday tomorrow. The clock and current situations move whether we want it to.

…So being proactive and unafraid to jump into our lives’ fullness is a good way to look at making big leap changes that’ll help us sooner and head us toward our brighter future. 🚀

Being open to what we didn’t know before as truth and NOW DO know is even better.

No regrets of the past because our past led us to better discoveries and ways today.

And that keeps us fearless and pressing onward.

Making a radical transformation change (personality, beliefs, and identities) could be the difference maker. And from what I know, it comes from within…

It starts with you.

No one can make those decisions for you except you.

And no one can make other people’s life decisions except them.

So often we want to help others and our input backfires.

They do what is not best for them anyway because of their strong emotions or beliefs running inside that can go in any direction.

And sometimes what we miss about what they did was actually their best for them at the time. They were called to a different destiny than the one we thought they should head toward.

We have no control over that or them, so we stay mostly in our lane and focus on working on ourselves for our healthy lives.

I think everyone reaches a crossroad in their life where they get to pause, wonder, and productively cross-examine if they’re still on the right path… not the right career or where to live that changes over time anyway… but the higher path that’s also the wiser path.

I know for me that became evident when I had life problems in every balance wheel of life area that gave me my first gray hair stress sign at 25. That was not a wisdom hair.

…I didn’t know where to turn. So that set me on a quest to seek answers and a transformation change and transformational path that I may not have entered otherwise.

And when those problems gradually resolved (that felt like forever at the time but lasted a few years), new season challenging circumstances took their place.

Transitions happened often in my life. A lot like today’s world where two years is a long time.

But back then, I felt like the poster child for adaptability in new work environments.

From taking close, harder looks from my experiences, I realized the beliefs I had were mostly culture-influenced.

…And doing me no healthy good. They were hurting me.

I grew up and worked mostly in the Washington DC metro area that’s one of the most competitive areas in the country.

I leaned on the external clues to measure success, growth, and happiness.

But over many packing up moves and career moves, I realized it’s not about career or where you live that matters most.

It’s what you carry inside you that determines what happens next and how healthy you are (mind-body connection).

And I’ll pause here a second to recognize that I know not everyone sees life problem signs as helpful ones to make a life change…

But doing so is a gift.

It was a blessing for me so I didn’t have to live the same life I started in.

…And one that can make designed life transformation change  more smooth and enjoyable than fighting truths (what’s meant to be) that can be exhausting and anxiety-fear filled.

Truths align and lead you to fulfilling purposes and your best future destiny outcome.

An illustration: we see signs blown up in celebrity’s lives who live under microscopes in America.

In prime media channels, we see whether their lives have evolved in a healthy or in an unhealthy way… such as trying to live their past selves because that’s what made them into a celebrity identity.

But holding on would hold them back in personal growth and transformation where they’re meant to move into other areas with greater impact.

It’s the same for us peeps in ordinary lives. 😊

We are all on this journey of life living and learning in the One Life we‘re given, where we look out from our perspective. No one else has the exact same perspective.

We can make our vantage point an advantage in our lives.

The point we stand is different for all of us snowflakes, but to grow, each of can ask ourselves: what am I missing in this life?

Questioning life is always good… because there’s nothing more important than life.

And if the complicated mind feeds you ideas that there is a companion, a pet, dream job, or better career that hasn’t shown up yet… then keep looking deeper and higher.

Because none of those earthly desires are answers to forever happiness. It’s what you do within that will bring the daily joy and happiness to carry you along moment by moment.

External things are a temporary vantage point.

If you were living out the dreams, after some time reality challenges would show up and the honeymoon happy feelings would wear off because now it’s every day… and that’s why we have good and bad days so we can celebrate the good ones. 

Happiness is not about getting what you want, like children and young adults would tell you.

Fleeting happy feelings and getting stuff keep us moving ahead in life until we’re more mature, so we can handle more and get to the fulfilling, fruit bearing stuff that become our life passions in ripe timing.

It’s the deeper discovery within and above that will bring the joy on Life’s journey. And life transformations are the vehicles.

The life choices made today take us to tomorrow. Wisely, they will also be a part of the past soon enough. So the only thing not fleeting and temporary is who you and I are in our now vantage point that we look out from that moves with us.

We carry us and our vantage point everywhere we go, even on vacations.

And if ever stuck, we can ask the Universe to help us with our intentions: can you take me higher?

Reminds me of the song lyrics in “Higher” by Creed:

At sunrise I fight to stay asleep, cause I don’t want to leave the comfort of this place, ‘cause there’s a hunger, a longing to escape.

It’s a choice to get insight from our higher selves. This accelerates  growth and in areas that may never grow if we stay doing life the same way we’ve always done.

One healthy way to look at it is we embrace transformation change.

That’s the deeper wisdom and the higher path.

Those will lead to the highest purposes for our lives here on earth.

I used to be afraid deeper spiritual change would lead me to a life I would hate or a life as a martyr, but trust led to grander things than I could have imagined.

There’s no magic age where purpose aligns in our lives, but the sooner we reach up and out, the sooner we get to leave our former caterpillar identities we started out as.

We get to transform to butterflies sooner and enjoy the sweet nectar and honey that comes along.

In yoga terms, we can go from looking down to the ground in caterpillar pose to opening up in butterfly pose and choosing to look out and up.

That’s the wise growth path I know and maybe one that helps you on your journey. 🌱

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