
Joy Spiritual Meaning vs Daily Joy

Joy is used and experienced in many ways in life. And spiritual joy is one of life’s mysteries that doesn’t have to stay a secret to you,  to help your life now.

Seeing a painted sky through a window can be a joyful experience that brings us closer to spiritual joy. 🌄

“Things and conditions can give you pleasure, but they cannot give you joy.” – Eckhart Tolle

But in our lives, most of the daily joy is not lasting as we get bored or the scenery changes, such as the season we’re in or a pretty sunset. 🌅

Daily joy is a common calm feeling we can have when we sip on a nice comfort tea… or get reminded of something that puts a smile on our face… or have a good outlook about the future days ahead.

I had one of these joyful days yesterday with a cinnamon chocolat-y flavored rooibos tea… that’s good anytime for Ayurvedic balance, and especially great in season and life transitions that’s life now and always for all of us. 🌿

I can always tell my daily balance state by my tea and spice desires.

Feeling calm is joyful. And feeling warm and fuzzy inside is where joy and happy feelings meet…

Joy is the new happiness.

Joy is used more often in trending media channels associated to describing general things in specific life seasons like: “I felt a sense of joy for…”

These descriptions are usually external triggers that are situation-based.

…Something in our surroundings prompted the joy.

These common joy ways are acceptable and often more surface fleeting feelings (if a deeper purpose or meaning context isn’t added).

“Joy” in daily word usage can often get tossed around like word salad and is not the same as the deeper joy that’s spiritual rooted, where the deeper meaning is often missed… and this article is about the spiritual joy you tap into.

But it’s good to know that daily joy can help you more easily get into spiritual joy.

It can be the primer or vehicle to get you there.

By contrast, someone or something at any moment can ruin your fleeting daily joy, peace, and pleasant feeling with a piece of sad or irritating news as quickly as the joyful feelings arrived.

“Stopping to smell the roses” 🌹is a good self-care practice that initiates or resets daily joy that’s good for calming and mental health.

…In a more relaxed headspace like out in calm nature, this can help prep you to look deeper for your spiritual joy that’s within and anywhere you go.

Or you can miss the spiritual joy messages.

Spiritual joy is the kind of joy you don’t experience unless you’re intentional to tuning in.

The spiritual joy source is the higher world channel that’s inside you (spirit).

You can look up to the sky or Universe if you need a visual reminder.

Or it’s where you search inside you for ad hoc bright ideas and higher possibility inspiration.  🎨

In this spirit acknowledging realm, you are internally connected to the Universe.

You can do this in prayer, or just simple quiet acknowledgement that you are not alone.

With your spirit, you’re never alone because the spirit is another energy source inside you.

Acknowledgement helps you to unleash spiritual joy that gives a deeper satisfied feeling about understanding this Universe and that you matter to more than just the people you know.

It’s a higher way of thinking or a knowing like a gut instinct.

An example is when you feel goosebumps when seeing a solar eclipse in-person that has deeper profound meaning that makes us wonder about our existence, who we actually are inside, and why we’re here on earth.

It’s heartfelt, and we feel the outer ripple effect as sensations on the body and skin.

How to experience spiritual joy (or more of this deeper feeling):

Tap into your quiet spiritual inner being channel.

One way is you do mindful active listening for the quiet whispers inside you.

It’s not woo woo if you don’t make it about that as our lives zoomed out are big woo-woo miracles from the start 🎉🎉… and so you make your spirit about higher purpose living and your personal growth… while keeping level-headed and your feet on the ground for most your waking hours.

This can become your everyday healthy life as it is for me, as much as daily cooking and reaching out in community. 🌱

You can do this out walking in nature or sitting in a quiet spot indoors.

And to go back to your daily living, you shut out the spirit whispers that is subtle like daily wind.

You get back to your busy headspaces and to-do lists, listening to your thoughts and the noises of the external world… or simply get back to the work in front of you.

That’s the frequency most of us are on during our awake hours, unless we’re intentional to carve out time for something else higher.

If you’re in a loud restaurant or sports arena with friends, it’s unlikely you’ll hear your spiritual joy calling there.

But, spiritual joy can happen even if you’re not purposefully trying…

Maybe a wave of emotion strikes you in the air, or you blurt out impromptu somethings that feel right at the moment as the spirit inside you tries to help lead you to your better purposes in this life.

But at the time that happens, you don’t know why you did or acted out that way that was harmless, but curious to you.

Your spirit inside you knows better because it’s prophetic.

And you can be in ordinary circumstances like a concert or conference and a speaker that comes on discussing a topic or mission in the world that you’re aligned and passionate about that strikes your spiritual joy… or you meet The One (your person) at a grocery store and you feel instant chemistry without saying a word in the smoothie drink aisle.

The alive-in-you spirit can show up at any time without invitation to give you clues to help you.

This is the essence of the joy of the spirit.

There are also times when some people get spiritual awakenings for longer than moments or a day.

Those are not as common, but it’s the same spirit source creating spiritual joy.

Many wonder if they have a spirit inside them…

There’s a spirit in each of us that’s gentle and quiet if we listen.

To be clear, this is the same as the Holy Spirit living in us as defined by the Bible for Christians who understand what that means.

The Holy Spirit (or Spirit) is a heavenly being living daily and inside you ready to do life with you when you choose to invite this being into your life.

Believe me, a decade ago I didn’t know this.

…And like former-me,  everyone is not aware of this spirit presence, but everyone still has a spirit inside them.

Depending on actions and how they choose to live their life, the spirit can be the good and effective influence in their life.

How you choose to live is your personal willpower choice.

You can purposefully invite in your good spirit.

It’s 24-7 operating inside you like a quiet and invisible angel… ready to help you (and other lives around you that you encounter) if you’re willing to be helped.

Helping includes suggesting with higher thoughts and sudden reminders, and guiding you to make the next best steps that you can choose to listen to (like a passing gut instinct), or ignore and listen to your louder thoughts.

Unlike people, our good spirits don’t hurt people. Only we or other people have the ability to do that as we have an ego in us.

The good spirit can’t create any harmful situations because it comes from the heavenly perfect good realm that isn’t earth bound.

It’s easier to explain this to anyone as the Universe looking out for you.

And now you know better how unleashing spiritual joy works inside you if you didn’t before.

This can be a part of your daily way when alone or finding quiet time.

You can give praise and gratitude for the daily favors and blessings you experience to re-center, get back to calm and daily joy, and remind yourself of the spirit in you.

With more favor comes joy (like the common happy-joy kind) because you deeper know you’re cared for.

You also naturally get better answers in life that are higher truths if you tune in regularly.

You’re less likely to make a wrong turn when you keep your steps close to tuning in consistently (and not taking a busy season off that can easily happen in our cultures).

This is where you gain wisdom and get better aligned perspectives.

You can get epiphany that it’s not about the things you do or acquire, but who you are and are becoming that matters most.

People, things, and situations are an integral part of our lives and they help move us along for our purpose discovery, and so we can help the world we’re in.

With the help of your spirit and developing more faith, you can trust the future and believe in what you don’t see in your life but believe all will work out for good (that fear and ego can shut out).

And if you’re new to spiritual joy and finding faith, one of the biggest challenges is tuning into the quiet frequency in a noisy world, and deliberately tapping into your spirit for answers vs. culture’s comments.

These ideas can be intriguing to a curious beginner (that was also once me)…

But like anything else new, it takes intention and practice.

The first habit step can be to set an intention or goal if that works better for you, to invite in your spirit in your life. A goal example could be you measure the number of days you do this.

You can achieve this in meditation, yoga, or in any quiet time.

Learning to relax and repress the mind’s loud ego thoughts also work to quiet the noise that internally competes and drowns out how the spirit softly communicates (that’s as different in us as each of us is).

Even if we’re listening to relaxing instrumental music, that can crowd out our spirit if we’re day dreaming on something else or focus-thinking about the music itself.

There’s a time and place for that if we’ve had a long day or just wanting to relax.

But remember, coming back at least once a day to your higher channel helps us in so many life aligning productive ways! 🌅

Without our spirit’s quietly working in us, our planet would be a hopeless, chaotic mess.

But our world is not this way… it’s organized under the hood with the help of our spirit working in us.

It’s not perfect or perfectly good and never will be, but there’s more quiet good than bad.

…Just look at all the productive and buzzing actions going on in nature daily. 🌱

And when you unleash your spirit outward (that’s the only one you’re responsible for), then you feel a sense of deeper joy and positive outlook living on this planet.

It’s life changing and life-giving as connection.

You’re never alone.

…And you’re fully loved.

And when you go out in the world doing your daily rounds and business, you can keep your head up and appreciate the kind people and the favor their spirits are greeting you with.

It’s a positive energy, and if we send our joyful spirit out, then that’s usually what we get back. And if we don’t get that, we still celebrate how we showed up.

With new insight about yourself and your spirit that’s with you always (and always has been even before you knew), you’re a better person.

You keep growing in ways you couldn’t have imagined before, and the way you started isn’t where you end up!

Finding out what that is, is everyone’s bread crumb journey. It’s a life adventure that’s exciting (and not boring).

Having lived both sides fully, starting out in my 20s thinking I had to make everything happen on my own and then evolving into relying on my spirit to guide me decades later, I would never go back to the old ways. 100% never.

With accumulated wisdom and new insights, comes purpose and meaning in a transformed life that optimizes the one life we live.

We get transformed inside and that brings joy and higher self-perspectives as veils are lifted. That’s the opposite of self-suffering that when you look back was survival existence.

You no longer have to deal with past self-hangups in phases of life created by former beliefs and perspectives.

You wisely let go and grow out of former patterns and Imposter Syndrome.

Your spirit of joy helps to grow and transform your healthy mindset, attitude, and insecurities. That’s something to celebrate. 🎂

I celebrate with food like a balanced delightful bowl. How do you celebrate?

food celebration

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