Hope is what keeps us motivated in any situation that well… seems hopeless. And in hopeful or hope-filled moods, we grow our spirituality… that opposes the outward feelings we have.
This article is about changing your moods back to hope and happy ones where you started and how you find your H.O.P.E…
First of all, our lives are rigged in our favor: we are meant to be blessed.
Often what is unfavorably happening to us in our situations is actually meant to help us in some way.
Finding what that is helps you.
Resetting and looking at your blessed life, as not what it once was peppered with past problems bypasses today’s sour moods.
Your life has grown better.
…And it’s meant to grow even better!
Better requires more experience and to be prepared for what’s ahead so we don’t fall flat on our faces. Challenges are healthy to keep us on the course!
Staying on course helps bring us back to our hope.
No matter the situation (favorable or not), as birthright we are called to hope in our situations if we want to prosper… (even when the stars aren’t exactly aligned 🌠).
You can always find a silver lining in the clouds if you want to. Because you were lucky enough to be born that will transcend this life if you believe.
And that’s where the rubber meets the road… 🛞
That’s the difference between your former younger self and who you are today, more mature in beliefs.
Today, you get to do so much more.
The former problems you had before are no longer in your life.
You have other replaced or new situations that ultimately have created a better life for you.
…Life that maybe is not the way you planned in your mind, but is good when you look back and see the golden nuggets.
Those misalignments helped you out in some way.
And your future will be even better because of these re-routes when you keep your moods from souring your day… or you pause from knee-jerk reactions you once would’ve made and regretted.
Today’s Situations
And today you have situations you are waiting on to pan out.
That’s this life in a nutshell… otherwise, you’d stop trying for your best life if things were so easy and you wanted nothing.
…Well, when you put it that way. 💭
I realized from taking a sabbatical year-off years ago that not having a work schedule or consistent daily purpose is a double-edge sword.
Sleep and physical health nursed and healed me back to life but then gradually a new stress grew from the mental stress (of not having a purpose).
And that eventually became stress on the body in the mind-body connection. As a result, waking up at 3 am every night was enough of a wake-up call for me.
…I also found I didn’t have the same exciting stuff to talk about with friends… I was basically just tagging along to their happenings. And I wasn’t quick on my toes in responses like I had been.
So I plugged back into my optimal life. 🔌
That break was enough for me to believe anti-retirement is the best way… ALWAYS.
We are happiest when we’re sharing about what’s happening in our lives and not living in the shadows of others.
Plus, life is too short to watch life go by.
And even if you’re waiting for a few situations to manifest, you can be an active participant making impact on other areas of your (and others’ lives) that’s not like throwing spaghetti at the wall. 🍝
…You’re actually building something for the future that takes time to build with your gifts and talents.
That’s a good plan if the timing isn’t there yet for what you know or have an inkling will be, and that you’re hoping for most. Take heart. ❤️
And when your doubtful mind takes over your knowing mind, get outside.
Signs of hope can be found daily around us… like the hope reminders below to remind us to Have Open Peace Everyday.
And these flowers don’t need hope. They just bloom for our enjoyment and appreciation.
Earth laughs in flowers.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
We can rely on hope symbols like flowers on earth to find our inner peace (and distract our unproductive mind).
Dialing down our moods and loud thoughts is a healthy habit that we do as smart adults that used to get tossed to and from by our thoughts.
If we lean into hope and conviction in our beliefs, then we won’t fall when we’re in battle with our minds and moods.
Or else we’re back to Square One, tossed around like the daily wind that causes waves 🌊
So if we solidly know at our core what we believe, then we can withstand the tests.
…And if you’re a natural Vata body like I am, you and I need no more wind!
The stronger we make our beliefs for our best life, the stronger we are… and can lasso the moon that has the dreams we want. 🌙
Our belief grows with faith that our dreams will come to pass even when we see no evidence at all.
…Like flowers that haven’t bloomed but we know one day will in ripe season. 🌻
Having firm beliefs and hope inside us keeps us going.
When we listen to our gut whispers, heart feelings, or what is promised to us that we’re aware of, then we are aligned with hope planted in our heart. 🪴
Our heart dreams will come to pass.
These are gentle impressions that only we ultimately know that arrive as passing thoughts and desires.
And yet our hope is that it will happen in our future. And if it doesn’t now or within a foreseeable timeframe, then we can re-route our way of thinking today to a new plan.
There’s only good in looking at hope for our productive life.
And if our flesh feelings or thoughts make us feel hopeless (that’s part of our human moody make up), our job or better way is to find our way back to hope (and NOT give up).
We can focus on the good things and progress that have happened as a result of or despite our situation, or what has happened.
That keeps us hopeful and chin up.
And then in better spirits, we can keep on moving, so that good things continue to happen and grow.
…Focusing on areas that are productive and peaceful in our lives.
H.O.P.E. today so that you keep building what is meant for you (and will actually last when it’s ready)…
Here’s what each letter stands for:
H – Have resilience. When we get certain about what we want in life, we don’t give up easily. And we don’t let others define what our success looks like.
We walk away from our lesser situations that somehow we ended up in (or with) 😱, and we honor ourselves as the only ones we can control.
If we fall weak to a moment of feeling hopeless, we shake it off.
…we can use our stronger motivation to NOT GIVE UP.
For me, that’s looking for answers or doing research, both internal and external. They are proactive and that keeps the wheels going. 🛞
That always provides a new avenue.
It may not be the exact right one, but just by doing something positive, my mood shifts to better and I discover something new… ingredients in food at the grocery store or a new activity that stretches me.
So we commit to do whatever it takes to have our mind and bodies get with our better life program. That’s healthy stress we can challenge ourselves with! 💪
If our goal is to be 100% successful in our unique life however we define those areas, then finding out how we dodge our moods is going to be the game changer. That’s where Ayurveda for restoring moods can help.
…So often it’s not about the number of hours in the day. We all find enough hours to do what we’re excited, motivated or dedicated to.
It’s that we feel defeated in some way.
And if our moods are down, then we spend those hours on the couch binge-watching shows or procrastinating longer and longer.
It was never about the number of hours available.
How we communicate with ourselves (self-talk) and with others will set the tone for our lives.
And if we unknowingly encourage others to keep doing the same unwanted behaviors, then we’re setting ourselves up for more of the same frustration. Where are we unintentionally rewarding others for bad behavior we don’t want repeated?
O – Ourselves is where we can find hope.
Self-sabotage in some way is often where we get stuck.
…When we get out of our own way, then our moods lift.
Getting ourselves aligned to do and think the right and better things, set us up for success.
If your situations don’t look like what you thought you wanted, figure out what you need to do to get back on the path you got off of. What were you last doing when things changed?
…Maybe you’re a little burnt out. Striking a better balance between real life vs virtual digital world could be called for.
Also, be committed to consistency (showing up), and find daily inspiration to stay the course as part of the balance.
Dig deep for answers that are already inside you waiting to emerge if they can get past your moods. 🪷
Then, hope flowers bloom again.
And tapping into hope grows spirituality.
If you take whatever your initial mind-body serves up, you’ll fall for all the irritated triggers du jour.
But when you decide on your better ways despite the bendy course you fall in, then you stay faithful to what you know will be without losing your joy that helps your hope.
P – Prioritize quiet time to your life as life unfolds. What is your mind doing when it’s not going a gazillion miles a minute or sleeping?
There is something stressful in play or as an undercurrent running in your mind if you pay attention… it’s the theme of the week or season.
If you were to sit on a bench or yoga mat quietly and scan your thoughts as they come in, you can intercept the moods and find better answers to your life now.
Prioritizing a shift to your peace mode and letting things go lets the Universe work things out on your behalf.
Your problems mysteriously work themselves out.
But if you let your ego intercept, that boxes in your possibilities because you’ve taken aggressive action.
Your ego doesn’t want your success or peace.
The ego wants you safe from anything new or questionable.
It will trick your perceptions and even attach unfactual information so it can keep running your show.
There’s no hope in ego drama.
E – Ego-free living is the way back to hope.
Your ego will make its way back in without prompting and avoiding ego every time will produce your hopeful results that have a lasting chance.
In metro culture we’re not taught “to be”like a monk.
So finding a daily way to honor your ego without turning it on is a way to grow more aware.
When you do get quiet, you can hear nature outside or building equipment running inside. That’s when you can hear the silence of the ego.
You can observe thoughts.
And for romantics who watch the Hallmark channel, your ego calms because the movie ending is predictable. The girl ends up with the guy. But the plot circumstances are different and the drama in between is what’s going on as life is in play.
What usually makes the difference is that each character pauses or is confronted to take a look at their life and what’s important. And it always points to love.
Love is hope and the opposite of ego-living. And ego-free living helps grow our spirituality. 🧡
To your ego-free week! 😊