
Glutathione Benefits in Gut and Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Glutathione benefits are significant enough to get healthy attention. But glutathione is not a term that you hear rolling off the tongue in the general zeitgeist conversations today. 

Vitamin C in fruit play a role in synthesis in gluatathione benefits.
High Vitamin C fruit play a role in glutathione synthesis.

What you do hear often about is gut conversation. And the gut-body connection. You’ve probably heard that our gut is our second brain. So there’s also a gut-mind connection we’re now aware of.

After all, most of our happy hormones (serotonin) are created in the gut.

And when our minds are happy, we feel fulfilled and live out a happier life in our empowered happiness. So the bottom line is that a happy gut is a happy life.

That’s what I believe too. 

Hi, I’m Brandy. I’m not a nutritionist (although I thought about it when I was selling vitamin supplements). I have written for healthy food publications, but my research skills started before then tracking back to my college days.

Back then, I was a good research student and still am a food research nerd at heart. I volunteered at the American Cancer Society and one of my first volunteer jobs was at the local hospital.

My young past also showed my passion for good food tastes as my favorite errand was going to different grocery stores and gourmet shops available.

That grew into pairing tasty foods that I learned about working in catering management for a decade in hotel chains and multi-store restaurant businesses.

Today when I find something very interesting in the healthy food research areas or grocery stores that I know will help me and others, as a writer I’m compelled to share what I know. 

And especially when it hasn’t flooded the news headlines yet. Such as, the glutathione benefits that’s today’s healthy topic that’s top of mind for me.

Here’s what I know that I think could help you:

Glutathione is one of the few antioxidants in our microbiomes.

An antioxidant helps reduce oxidative stress, aging, and free radicals that can develop in the over 100 million cells in our body. Free radicals are a leading cause of cancer.

We’ve known about this for decades as the statistics are still growing high. 

And we know that cancer is a disease of our cells, where the mitochondria are the core powerhouses. You and I learned that in biology class if we attended.

And why this is important is because: 

According to Dr. Gundry, author of Gut Check, “Today your microbiome and mitochondria are still tethered together because of their bacterial past. They stay in touch via signaling molecules called postbiotics.” 

…Basically our bodies are constantly signaling to our gut. What we do daily like accumulating unhealthy eating habits (such as  eating fried, highly processed, and sugary foods) vs healthy eating can lead to leaky gut

Ingesting pesticides, plastics, and antibiotics without knowing also contributes to negative effects to our gut.

Stress and lack of sleep can also contribute to a weakened gut that can lead to a leaky gut, dysbiosis, or imbalance in our gut. 

Daily restoring the gut with healthy prebiotic and probiotic foods helps defend the bad bugs from taking over our gut.

Some of these foods include plant-based foods like fermented pickles (that are fermented cucumbers), asparagus, onions, garlic, and bananas.

Starting your day off with a plant-based breakfast is a good starter idea.

Glutathione foods help to restore us. Suprisingly, glutathione is found in many common fruits and veggies. You may just not have been aware as I know I wasn’t

You may be surprised too that many anti-inflammatory foods have glutathione benefits so those are my type of healthy foods!

If you eat a variety of “eat from the rainbow” anti-inflammatory foods 🌈 you likely will stumble on a good amount of polyphenol and glutathione antioxidants.

And if you’re looking to get pregnant (or are already), glutathione benefits you and your fetus baby.

In natural births, the mother naturally pumps additional glutathione to the fetus. Nature knows best what a newborn needs.

So we have a say in the matter of our bodies.

It’s not all genetics. 🧬

One healthy way is choosing a healthy lifestyle. 

As mentioned, what we choose to eat is important. It’s something most of us adults have freedom over as we shop and gather food. 

Thankfully no one forces us to put food items in our cart. And if family and friends do, we don’t have to eat them. 😊

And besides eating healthier, we can choose when we choose to eat and when we do not. 

We can build in a healthy fasting habit in our waking moments that gives our digestive bodies a break that helps our gut health too. 

The gut biome desires diversity. This can help to prevent some allergies we have or develop. So maybe this will help encourage you to try new healthy foods.

Our grocery stores are changing all the time with new produce selections.

We see new fruits that are often tropical fruits loaded with Vitamin C and guess what? Glutathione!

Too often we think about eating the same foods that are safe or don’t bother our gut.

But like a baby, we want to slowly introduce food varieties that we know are healthy like greens and fiber foods. And especially since our bodies are evolving and need different proportions. 

One of the highest glutathione foods is the avocado. That’s just one more reason to love the touted super fruit.

Here’s a list of 200 anti-inflammatory foods you can use as inspiration when grocery shopping.


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