
Clarity Spirituality For Content Creation

Clarity is alignment. It’s as simple and brilliant as that.

Clarity is clear thoughts and creativity, and not misaligned thoughts and feelings.

Back in the day, I didn’t have “alignment” in my vocabulary.

Everything was cloudy. Those were the caterpillar days. 🐛 Living to please and fit in the modern culture I belong to didn’t help those efforts along.

And that’s most of us living in metro America and cities.

In those busy places, you’re surrounded by noise and not much inner peace as you live satisfying cultural norms and staying busy most your time.

But, you get clarity from your spiritual life that’s in the deeper space and crevices inside you that are also wired to Creation and everything that is creatively abundant. 🌕

And this article is about gaining more clarity for your Content Creation Life.

…Which btw, we’re all content creators if we want to be.

You make something and put it out in the sharing Universe and BOOM, you’re a creator.

The big “C” Creator is reserved for only the Divine.

And as a creator, realizing the messages sent out is co-created can sometimes take years to develop. We can give those non-winning points to our ego that loves that.

And ego doesn’t want us to know that our thoughts are not ours alone.

When the truth is we are not alone even if we’re by ourselves.

…And that helps us out by leaps and bounds that’s better than if we had a life manual. That can be part of our discoveries on our journey.

Early on in our life journeys, we’re focused more on what we can do in our own might and giving credit to our work when all along that move was what we were destined for (aligned to do)… and with a little nudge inside us, we did our little part by making a simple micro action of hitting a button or saying something.

Getting co-created revelation can be a profound journey.

But in the beginning, we don’t have that clarity. We sorta think it (maybe hoping), but still question if it’s in our lives. Does anyone out and up there care?

Early on (no matter what age that is for us running our own race), we haven’t made enough room yet for the Universe to manifest in our purposeful living, teetering back and forth to limiting beliefs in earthly living.

And our lives are supporting the culture beliefs on earth.

That’s what my life was about growing up in the Washington D.C. suburbs where keeping up with the Joneses, as in suburban mall life was a way of life.

If I counted how many times the word “mall” came up in friend-related conversations, it would be a crazy number. Maybe not as many as the words I’ve written here, but it was often in phrases… let’s meet at the mall.. what store do you want to go to?there’s a __ at the mall… what time will you be at the mall? 😊

I even worked in the mall at the information desk, retail shops… oh, and one of the restaurants I planned parties for was IN THE MALL!

It was in the Tyson’s Galleria.

…And I like to joke that my watch measured that I walked 4 miles for one event. I thank the mall for nice, comfy shoes. 👟

But so the more that I leaned in on pro-cultural norms like the mall, and doing work-life that looked good on paper and people pleasing, the less I liked myself and who I was becoming.

…And when I didn’t people please, I felt guilty not living up to pressures and culture’s standards. That’s how we were groomed from school age up.

So gradually I felt like I was losing my message.

I was blending in while the younger generations were moving in.

Where in my era of growing up, we wanted to be the same. Now everyone wants to be different so they can stand out.

…And that I believe is the better way because then you get to be YOU in your you-niqueness. You’re not trying to fulfill an image.

But back in my day, I was in a tug-o-war with my corporate work personna fitting in and living out my side purpose-filled spiritual desires.

And today is the same dilemma, there’s still a divide for most people living in culture with spirituality.

…Just turn on the news and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

And that is unconsciously building up pride by not running in the opposite direction… where a life of more meaning is. 

If you don’t turn on your conscious intentions, then you get swallowed by the subconscious negative thoughts that make their way in… OUCH!

I didn’t like that in me.

So with season changes, I moved away from that life.

…I didn’t like not being aligned with my thoughts and out-of-touch with feelings that writing helped me escape.

Tapping into my deeper spiritual self side gave me the more satisfying-purpose driven life and personal growth I needed for a healthy and whole life. And that led to a higher, creative path, daily content creation, and aligned clarity.

Alignment and clarity that I never knew about before.

Clarity is not certainty as no one can claim a clear crystal ball belief as truth until it happens in life. Life is like a sport. We play it out.

Even if we believe in our gut, heart, and prophetic ways what will happen.

But clarity doesn’t live with the same level of anxiety, fears, and worries that are living amongst cultural norms filled with fear at the root.

And when you spiritually transform fear and worry, you move away from lifestyle triggers of anxiety that modern culture and suburbia operate in.

Then you can more easily develop clarity and build creativity muscles. 💪🎉

In purposeful living, the glory is in you… and leaning on your higher self for guidance is the higher way of life that lets you pursue passions (and not meaningless work and desires).

And if that’s what you want…

Here’s how I started… I realized one day that I won’t get my time back.

None of us will.

And you can take that thought as your motivator.

Because tomorrow will be yesterday in 2 days. And forgotten as we focus on today. That’s not a riddle, it’s the truth. 😀

And in the end of our lives, most of the things we achieved in this life won’t matter to us.

They were placeholders.

They got us to the next moment and step… that got us to who me and you have become.

Btw, I used that in a job interview when I was in my Corporate Life… and I got the job.

So someone believed that too. 😉

And when you consider all those past jobs you had that have faded in impact in your current life… you get to realize that most never make it back to memory without prompting. So it’s not that important.

..And this wiser concept and way of thinking grows the more years and experiences you have here on earth. 🌍

I lean into forgetting parts of the past as helpful… having selective brain fog is a superpower 🔌  and is often spiritual guidance to help you and me toward our clarity light. 💡

When you look back and realize that the experiences and some early on breaks you got in your 20s and 30s didn’t last… you can start to wise up that there’s more to this life.

And the only way to fully discover that is to move on.

You often get a hint that “it’s time to move on” listening to that inner wisdom.

Doing so means growth.

And we are meant to personally grow.

To personally grow spiritually means birth to the deeper feelings of living a life of meaning and satisfaction that produce clarity-alignment.

You naturally grow out of your past or the things you once needed, but now no longer do.

And when you let go of the former things, the Universe will meet you there! 💕

Speaking of Universe, if you think of the astronauts stuck in outer Universe floating around with their hair sticking up, you’re visually reminded they’re in another place.

…Not just overseas, but above earth in outer space.

They have digital contact with earth, but they live on a spaceship in another space, at least temporarily.

Their new home is not the cultural norms we live in.

They don’t deal with the daily norms and noises we have on earth.

They don’t see cars, wildlife, and trees.

They are aligned with the rhythms up in space.

And in our different spaces and existences, we all have the ability to reach our spiritual potential, so we can live a life that’s focused on creativity and love, and away from fear.

How cool is that!

We’re tethered by our inner forces.

And aligned with clarity, we’re clear no matter what the distance is.

There’s not muck interfering. Our attenas work.

…Our daily fears, limiting beliefs, and subconscious insecurity wall defenses that lead us to the actions we take and reactions we make are knocked down.

Because left unattended, they become blockades and blockages and show up in our visible lives on earth.

…That’s when we can’t hear what’s outside our immediate world. We listen to our heads and what we see (cultural norms).

Living this way, not in full potential, keeps us stuck.

When we tap into our higher inner self, that’s when we can grow and manifest greater things that exponentially grow (beyond our thoughts) and yield clarity where we’re importing ideas from the Universe that knows better about the future.

…The higher Universe orchestrates coincidences as part of creation intent.

Next time, I’ll share more about creative blocks that are 100% removable when you want to let it happen. 🍥 I hope you’ll join me here same day, same channel. 😊


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