
Best Way to Make Chai

Chai is the ultimate Ayurvedic tea. It’s filled with spices. And it’s one you prefer today or you don’t…best way to make chai is with chocolate milk

Here you’re in for a treat, as I have my favorite chai way explained below that made a menu board and I think is the best way to make chai if you want a smile on your face every time it’s chai time. 😀

Because chai tea is comforting and balanced. It’s the type of tea you have in hand on yoga day or sipping on the weekend.

And it sure tastes like it!

…That can be good or bad.

Chai is a commonly drank Indian tea where chai is the assumed tea so in that part of the world, they just say chai. In the western world, we have tea variety so we call it chai tea.

In both worlds, chai tea has minimal sweetness. And it has an Eastern taste. In the Western world, it sticks out. But you can make this drink the best of both worlds.

Below I explain how…

And if you’re game for sophisticated adult tastes like cinnamon, cardamom and cloves (the 3 C’s) or a spice-filled warming tea, then you pass the first test where chai could be the best drink for your mood.

Word of warning: if you’re feeling Pitta (in Ayurvedic terms), heated, or the weather is hot or warm out, you’ll likely feel off drinking chai.

…Even if the drink itself isn’t served hot.

Because in those times and seasons you want something lighter, maybe citrusy or floral… but not chai spices.

Like on a crisp fall day where you could go for cinnamon and apple or it’s a spring rainy hoodie day.

Or if you’re feeling like discovering something new or visiting a bookshop, then chai is a tea will give you some oomph for new adventure.

…So chai definitely has its place in the world and is a good go-to tea you’ll enjoy.

It’s one of the healthiest on the planet.

It doesn’t have to be your daily ritual, but it can be part of the variety and spice of life. 💕

And if how you feel about chai is meh, to add back some sweetness and younger (aka fun and happy memory tastes), this is my secret… add some chocolatey vibes.

This amps up the the drink to a chic level. It also balances out the spicy vibes.

Think of a chocolatey latte (or a warm chocolate milk).

You could make your own liquid chocolate, but a grocery shelf chocolate milk is the kind of taste that will elevate your chai.

And it will take the color from a dark brown to a warm brown in a second.

How’s that for fast order!? 

It will be obvious when you’ve elevated your chai. 😊

And for coffee lovers, this can be a soft landing drink to wean off another cup of coffee you’re debating about in your mind.

The new chocolate chai taste can run neck and neck in rankings with your cup of Joe.

And that’s because the chocolate adds a mix between hot cocoa and a decadent tea vibes. It mellows out the spice tastes and makes it a good year round drink.

Maybe you do start calling all your teas, Chai? 😁

It’s kinda like an experience of ordering a hot cocoa or doing afternoon tea.

…It’s an event. And the chai drink is great for meetups.

And these little events in our day make life just a little nicer.

Plus, chai has a ‘lil black tea caffeine kick but won’t keep you up at night (if you’re not super sensitive).

And just to show how I’m not the only one who gets excited over a chocolate chai….

I actually accidentally added a menu item at my church’s “Starbucks” coffee shop when I asked for chocolate tastes to be added in my drink from kind smiling volunteer order takers.

I don’t know if they added a chocolate sauce or cocoa, but it was delicious and just what I needed on that Sunday to give me an extra pep in my step.

I felt good with my decadent drink that inspired the drink that others could then order after me.

The secret to a good chocolate chai experience is getting a good chai tea that’s fresh and balanced with cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cardamom and allspice (that also has cloves).

So with double cloves and all the spices, you will get a punchy tea! 🤜

That’s unmistakably chai.

Cloves by the way is a spice that is highly anti-inflammatory, and great for anyone on a longevity mission or wanting to help prevent chronic inflammation (that’s known to cause chronic diseases).

So now you have a delicious and healthy tea beverage. It doesn’t get much better than that!

I invite you to make the tea and to come back for other great ideas that make your day Ayurvedic healthy and happy. 🎉


Chai with Chocolate

The best chai is with a little chocolate milk action.


  • 1 chai tea bag for 6 ounce drink
  • 1/4 cup chocolate almond milk
  • Cocoa dusting (optional)


  • Brew your chai tea bag for 2-3 minutes.
  • Let cool for a minute or so and then add the chocolate milk. Add cocoa for zhugh if you like.
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