
Chai Balls (No Bake)

Chai balls are a warming festive sweet snack that energize ✨ any table and that and goes well with tea… well, chai. These are easy NO BAKE. 🫖
Chai balls are festive and easy to make with no baking needed.

These chai balls look like truffles (…yes?) and are as delicious, but are also anti-inflammatory healthy.

They are made from all plant-based ingredients. Recipe below. 🧡

Chai spice or tea is also Ayurvedic healthy and good for balancing Vata body mind type tendencies. You’ll know chai is good for your moods this season if you desire a cup. 😊

That’s Ayurveda in a nutshell as it leans in your natural preferences. And this applies to the modern West that meets traditional East.

Chai usually has cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger, that will help warm up Kapha (winter) feelings.

And if you find the kind of chai tea bags or loose tea that has (black) pepper in its ingredients, you get additional health benefits.

Cardamom and pepper are an anti-inflammatory Wonder Twins pairing. Together, they’re activated (and you don’t need a magic ring 💍).

Another idea is I like a dash of cardamom coffee on those sluggish mornings for a little pick-me-up jolt.⚡️

Not to mention, adding cloves that’s at the top of the anti-inflammatory list.

With all those spices in chai, you’re doing yourself a world of good by helping protect against some chronic diseases (that could develop later down the road but take a hike instead).

The healthy molecules are meant to protect the plants they come from, and (us) humans benefit as final consumers.

I like to think of chai balls like a holiday Pfefferneusse cookie you would find at a Christmas Market, but does a world of good for your body. 🎄

…AND, you don’t have to travel anywhere and can make these sweet festive or holiday snacks in seconds.

Gathering the ingredients in your house is where the tasty effort will go if they’re already in your cupboard.

And if not, you can easily find and get them from your grocery source.

They are ingredients that can be used again and have long shelf-life…

They also make for  seasonably warm drinks like cocoa and calming chai tea to name a few. And also molasses cake and simple cookie bakes that have worked for generations to bring smiles to faces no matter the situations. 🥮

Which reminds me, I was near an old-fashioned Moravian baking oven and the simple and wholesome ingredients they used inspired me.

They’re the same healthy ingredients we have around today (maybe a little more pure without sprays).

And we can make these chai cookies with the Moravian baking spirit ✨ for our winter break, Christmas holidays, or daily reading. They’re fun and easy to share.


Chai Balls (No Bake)

These anti-inflammatory balls are 4 delicious ingredients and no-bake easy.
Servings 3 servings or pieces
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil, solid form (refined for less coconut taste)
  • 1 chai tea bag (dry)
  • 1 tbsp molasses (can substitute for maple syrup or raw honey)
  • 1 tbsp cacao (100% cocoa)
  • pumpkin spice and/or cinnamon spice for dusting


  • Roll ingredients and then separately roll in dusting spice.
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