You can use Wheel Pose to learn how to gain confidence in your life. Too often we overthink and get inside our heads. Like in Bird of Paradise Pose that can also be challenging…
When our gut instinct and initial thought is often the one we should follow. This is different than a knee-jerk reaction which is based on removing immediate pain and often based in fear or insecurity.
You know the difference because knee-jerk usually causes some pain backlash.
Sometimes we react defensively because we’re hurt, we haven’t processed fully what is hurled our way, or we’re too busy to think through what aftermath our words and actions will cause.
Afterall, we’re busy and have many areas of life that we try to balance in our life wheel: work, relationships, family, health, fitness, spiritual, and finances.
All can be sources of joy when good. Or become a worrisome disturbance that can cause turmoil unbalance, tipping the scale toward what’s heaviest.
In those moments you can use Wheel Pose to be a metaphor for restoring your balance.
It won’t mend your problems, but getting in the yoga pose will give you some encouraging moments and feelings that bring back a smile and some confidence. And help you with mental blocks, being in the moment.
That’s how I feel when I’m making my whole healthy pizzas 🍕 with a whole lotta peace in the pieces.✌️There’s a hole in whole but not in this one!

And whatever daily inspires you, here’s how to get in Wheel Pose…
We can find it difficult to get our body off the ground if we’re not used to the yoga pose. That can be a metaphor for anything we are hesitant to try because it’s challenging (and our wintery Kapha minds want us to do the easy and our Kapha bodies like the lazy pose 🧘🏻♀️).
And that can keep us away from moving forward or succeeding in our victories. But we don’t have to live that way!
We can cooperate with our Kapha mind-body tendencies. I get it… life is hard enough, our wheels grow, and everything needs a sliver piece on the balanced Wheel of Life.
So to give ourselves an instant helping hand, we can take a known alternate route where the easier path gets us halfway there without effort…
You will still reap great health benefits from Wheel Pose.
The first step is: start by sitting on your bum instead of laying on your back.
Lazy or not, then you’re almost halfway there.
In yoga, we’re often laying on our backs or fronts like on a massage table or when we try to catch a tan on the beach. We forget that seated is another starting position. It’s the one we’re in when we’re driving forward. 🛞
But this easier way starts in a relaxed seat position. Your legs bent with knees up help. You’ll still catch the rays of the Wheel Pose!
Hands on the mat beside you, then you position your fingers and wrists toward your feet (or the opposite direction they normally would face if you were lounging on a beach towel on the beach).
Then use your arm strength to lift yourself off the mat.
When you get comfortable and know how it feels to be in baby Wheel Pose, then you use that confidence of having been-there-done-that to challenge yourself to the full proper Wheel Pose where you peel your entire back and body off the mat when you’re ready.
Now we’re talking!… Then you’re in your merry-go-round feeling Wheel.
You’ll be stronger afterward and have forgotten about your real life at least for a few moments.
Remember to breathe in to take in the moments that feel slow motion in the process (like on a carousel).
Removing Mind Blocks
And in the slower moments, you find balance and can remind yourself that everything is possible, and you’re capable if you get out of your own way.
Often, we can’t get past our mind blocks until we can see glimpses of the other side to believe our way through.
So, round and round we go. Our ego blocks us from seeing what could be ours.
But, we can get off the repeating mind carousel and help ourselves by letting go of what was.
Then when you show and tell yourself you can do a new way from a healthy perspective, you overcome the block. You get a new breakthrough on the carousel that helps your life wheel balance.
And if that isn’t enough to push you over the almost-there hump (you’re so close!), look at others who have gone before you in those areas and defied the odds.
They’ve given Wheel Pose its name. And you can invent your Wheel of Life version.
Life is cheering you on. Give it a spin! 🤸🏻