Music inspiration can be therapy to your mind-body, like it is for mine. This article is all about building in some audio inspiration to your life, to get your mojo back or make it through your slow waiting seasons.
And a healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookie 🍪 that can be prepared in 5 minutes (ready in 30) with 40 chocolate chips, a 4 oz. applesauce container (that is a good pantry stocking item to have on hand and you can buy in a 6-pack in the dried fruits and nuts grocery food aisle).
[Someone already took a bite out of this one 😊…]
Because getting yourself daily happy is going to help you in tough seasons…
Where life can be unexciting and underwhelming and you wish would speed up and you could fast forward.
If you were to add up those days and years in your life, they would be most of life if you have lofty goals.
And they can feel heavy, like a hangover.
Those are the times when routines and ruts can run our lives. We can feel like we’re not growing as much because we’re not learning as much. Or we’re not running around feeling as light and bouncy.
And all that can show up as a mood funk and stress in the mind-body.
Bringing the calm and loving thoughts back in the moment helps bring our mind-body balance back despite life’s chaos.
We want to feel healthy good, and without this balance, we feel off and that slows down our productivity jam, creativity flow, and daily rhythm.
And, music inspiration is an easy way to snap our minds out of unrest, and gradually move us out of seasonal rut feelings day by day, and get our bodies to dance around a little.
I was feeling one of those weeks that felt imbalanced in moods.
There were storms outside that didn’t help to bring out the sunny feelings. And my body was off sleep schedule. I usually naturally wake up at the same time every morning within minutes.
Now I found myself setting the alarm again, that I hadn’t done as a routine since I worked for an employer.
Was it post-holiday blues?
That’s what I chalked it up to.
But I was determined to not let that settle into another day or the weekend.
So instead of my weekly routine, I did one easy test move. I turned on the television.
And this time of year is when ice skating competition shows are aired. I hadn’t seen one this year, so it took me into a new loop as I watched the triple toe loops manifest in front of my eyes. From the 20 minutes or so of watching, I had a new verve again.
I was inspired again. My mind had those happy hormones that felt like they kicked back into drive.
And all it took was a few minutes.
What just happened?
My mind went somewhere else. I saw something different, and it was exciting to my mind that drives the bus and matters most in changing moods.
And the subtle backdrop instrumental music put me in a new place mood.
Music is therapy and that’s why it’s called music therapy.
Changing our daily rhythm sounds is what we often need for simple imbalance changes based on our lifestyle choices (like food and drink, sleep patterns, etc.)… and doesn’t take that much effort to help change our moods.
You just turn it on and there it is.
And if you’re trying, that can be the slight switch you make in your day today that gives you a new pep in your step.
…as you’re counting on every new step that can turn your season around for change.
Finding the right daily music inspiration is an important part of having daily joy.
…Even if we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or we were rattled with sad news. Or we’re in a nothing new season… music will help snap us out into a better mood because the effect it has on the mind.
And if that’s what you’re facing today, then know you’re one baby step away from making a change in your day… if you choose the right tunes to help change the mood tide.
The right music for the mind aren’t the same yummy bubble gum music or jams we hear daily on our stations, but ones that have moody sounds like snares and percussion instruments…you know, those odd looking small instruments like fun triangles and xylophones you had or probably played with in an elementary school music class.
I’ll never forget a Music Appreciation course I took in college where “Black Magic Woman” was one oldie song we analyzed.
Whether you listen to the Santana or Fleetwood Mac versions, you’re gonna hear some drama from the music…
You’ll notice when there’s a dramatic movie scene about to come on, they play suspenseful music to rope you in to add to the effects.
And the effects go straight to your head where your mind is. So in that small instant, you’re put in a different mood.
And if you can create your own momentary drama with music inspiration and musical instruments, that may dramatically wake up your dull mind up if that’s what you need. It’s the healthy way without creating real life drama, if ya know what I mean 🎭
And here are a few artists and songs to turn on for daily inspiration:
Al Green
B.B. King (or any Blues music)
And a few modern songs:
Magic (Coldplay)
Latch (Disclosure with Sam Smith)
Or have a home Christmas concert in July or anytime of year.
Seasonal Music Inspiration
Then there are times when you feel uninspired in general over a season. That’s when yo find new music 🎶 to gain your pep in your step.
And realize that’s an opportunity to recognize the need to welcome in a Life transition. Something great is going to come in. It could be a fresh start over.
Instead of adopting a why me attitude, turn on the why not me? And the why not me is about being chosen for your life mission and great activities ahead.
So recognize that seasonal blaise is meant to be a bridge or a transition.
Those seasonal feelings can overlap with the daily need for doses of inspiration. But they are not the same.
With those seasonal feelings, I know in my life that means it’s time to shift in another direction or do something different. It’s the Universe giving a clue to look up and out, instead of simply looking at what was.
And that can be how you approach your seasonal moods!
In growth preparation, finding inspiration (that can start with music inspiration) can get the wheels turning in the new direction.
And if music isn’t enough…
While listening to nostalgic music or getting music therapy, take a break and look at those daily photos, sports coverage, skating… or whatever gives you that temporary joy that snaps you outta your funk.
Try to find more appreciation or contentment to help your way through.
Transitioning is our life’s theme.
And of course, life never tells you or gives you a road map of where to transition shift to (…that would be waaayy too easy!). But if you listen to your inner guides, you have a better chance to figure out the next best step.
So it’s not always as much work as it sounds and if you cooperate with yourself.
Because in those tough moments, you know (or can believe!) that where you are will produce something GREAT on the other side.
And that’s how you can better embrace challenges and changes.
A belief, that’s fully in your control, improves your outlook and attitude.
And when we re-adjust those to help us get through and grow, then we’ve set ourselves up to more smoothly enter a new season with our good intentions.
And when you look back out next time, you’ll be in a different place because the moment has passed.
So what are you waiting for… turn on some good tune vibes 🎶 and ask yourself: what are you inspired about today?
And while you’re needing a sweet break, you can enjoy a healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with exactly 40 chip morsels in case you need to give someone a small job. This is an easy recipe that you or your young ones can make.
Simple Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie
- 4 oz applesauce (easy grocery plastic container size)
- 2/3 cup oats
- 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 tbsp maple sugar, honey, or molasses
- 2 tbsp chocolate chips (or 40 chip morsels)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 cup almond milk or milk of choice
- Combine ingredients and pour onto baking pan forming a roundish shape.
- Bake on 350°F for about 20-25 minutes until well baked.