
27 Habit Tips for Your Wellness New Year

Happy New Year’s resolution practices are a concept of yesteryear, better replaced by a wellness new year.🌱

…And better formed habits (in my healthy list below).

But resolutions are still embraced by some as it’s commonly referred to around the world.

And for others of us, we’re open arms to big changes we want to make and a healthy world revolution to head into a better future world… oh, and to make up for the losses from the past few years.

And in light of the global events affecting us all over the past few years, our world needs more uplifting. We don’t need more challenges. We need a revelation. Amen? 

And maybe for you (like me) starting goals in the coldest, winter months in the U.S. is not the easiest plan to stick to and would be preferred in warmer and summer months when we have higher serotonin levels and more natural Vitamin D sunshine.

…And, that’s a time when we’re more active, happier, and apt to make changes.

So, on that healthy intention, you want to set yourself up for success and feeling good for better mental health this wellness new year (…and that’s better than last year).

When you can show up as your Best Self, then you have a chance to make a better and bigger impact. Being healthy and happy matters. And even more so as parts of our lives have become initially harder to eventually make it easier (…I believe).

And I also believe that’s where our world is headed. We see this fueled faster by new technology 🚀 advancements and awareness-growing of the need to save our planet.

And that means some of the old ways we did daily life… and the resolutions we once hung our baseball caps on… will change.

But one area that won’t change and can stay traditionally evergreen 🌲 is a wellness new year plan that will help keep you going year-round and that you can count on consistently. If you show up, it’s available.

…And these natural pinecones (above) showed up in my view, which to me is one of nature’s beauties. It also serves a purpose where the cone protects the precious seeds inside.

This natural miracle hasn’t changed through generations.

And like traditional pinecones, if you want to embrace traditional resolutions, then go for it…

Isn’t the post-2020 famous saying?… You do you.

Either way, here I share some of my better health and wellness new year habit tips (…27 to be exact) that give you a better wellness new year list to practice, so you can better navigate this new emerging world of changes.

1.      Drink more water naturally. When you jump up and down or run circles cardio-exercise, you naturally are thirsty

2.      Improve your mind-body health

3.      Gratitude keeps pride in-check

4.      Eat a diverse variety of healthy foods

5.      Work on daily body balance and yoga that helps in years to come

6.      Improve your heart health with cardio and healthy cholesterol levels

7.      Write daily (or find your daily creative practice)

8.      Color your world with inspiring home and clothing choice colors

9.      Learn something about yourself, deeper than you normally would

10.   Start mornings eating a plant-based meal ( beans?)

11.   Add more spices (and make your own punchy, hit-you-in-the-nose with anti-inflammatory gut clove spice blends like in holiday gingerbread or exotic Ras el Hanout spices with fennel, coriander, cinnamon, black pepper, and cloves.)

12.   Do-it-anyway yoga (and any which way you can!)

13.   Get enough amino acids (starting in the morning with your protein sources)

14.   Put out a bowl of no-prep easy, healthy snacks (e.g. carrots, nuts, and apples)

15.   Pause on feeling-frustrated and change the air you breathe by stepping away

16.   Change your anxious tunes in the morning with calm breaths

17.   Change your worry thoughts in the evening that stir up

18.   Change your rainy-day moods with the environment around you

19.   Change your negative thoughts at the gate so they build up and become your day

20.  Scan the headlines and read one healthy growth article a day

21.   Choose the recycling option even if takes just a ‘lil more effort as you’ll feel better you did for our planet….  and you can appreciate all the bean cans you consumed 😊

22.   Remove some of the older digital overwhelm habits you no longer need

23.   Spend a rainy day weekend organizing your belongings (and feel lighter afterward). Rock out to some good tunes while time melts away 🎶

24.   Find your share-to-the-world message that’s part of what you do. This builds your self-worth and confidence as you get better at your talents

25.   Prepare more plant-based meals. It’s easier to get veggies and lentils in if they’re cooked or ready-to-go, and in your kitchen. You could have a leftover dish for breakfast so your drinking coffee has a happy landing

26.   Spend time in nature. You get out of your busy life and into the busy bees doing theirs 🐝

27.   Embrace the neti pot. This is what our new world can be all about… clearing out the old stuck mess, and bringing in fresh ideas that work for us. We need the new. And happy new year! 🎉

If you want to see what your body is trying to say to about the balance it needs, take the Body Balance Quiz (…and if you already did it last season, do it again this season as our bodies are always changing. 🧘🏻‍♀️)