
Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts And Delivers You to Authentic Purpose

While having faith doesn’t help your rushed anxiety symptoms from happening, faith curbs anxious thoughts, and your anxious situations.

Many anxiety symptoms come from letting irrational thoughts and incessant worry get the better part of us.

That’s where it starts.

…Like a thief in the night, we don’t see what’s happening unless we are critical observers, looking in our own minds for us to be the solution instead of our own problem.

You can pray to not have those thoughts take a stronghold over you, and replace them with better, positive thoughts that can lead to productivity.

That helps to counteract your hurtful thoughts but doesn’t prevent your moods and emotions.

Believing there’s a better outcome or a bigger picture for why you’re going through your sour grape situations.

Those lemons you receive in life can give you the exact breakthrough you need.  That’s what your soul needs to heal and evolve, the purpose of your life.

Hmm… we all thought we were here to achieve and be happy, right?

The better setup is to live authentic, whole, heal, and real.  Then you can achieve more and experience happiness from the inside out.

…That can happen when you look through the right lens and go through tough situations, and possibly feelings of temporary stress and anxiety.

Faith Curbs Anxious Thoughts and Brings Joy

“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” (Proverbs 12)

Without daily faith as an undercurrent of your life, you can feel self-pity or go into a lack or victimized mentality, especially if you have fears, phobias were attacked/threatened, or are a PTSD survivor (which is part of my story).

Then later being Born Again and doing shadow work helped to restore me in a way that nothing else could replace

You weren’t meant to do everything on your own. You were meant to get help from outside you, that makes you stronger, and builds your inside.  That’s the healthier cycle.

People who stay frustrated can live in a vicious hamster wheel life cycle, letting their minds run them.

Without your pro-activity, your mind on its own is a lazy machine that is meant to protect you from danger.

If you’re tired, you just don’t want to think super hard after a busy day.  If you have a foggy mind, that can happen to anyone anytime, then going to your higher place is what you need the most.

At that moment, you need to find wholeness and be healed, to live authentically.

You have a higher intellect that you can tap into to collaborate with and get better answers.

Here’s a better way on how to access your higher self…

Find a daily spiritual practice that has variety, and is 100% yours. 

Have a daily silent practice in peace, prayer, or meditation, but don’t make it routine.

Doing this will remind you in your darkest moments, that you need to go back to your higher place.

Maybe not immediately, but if you are consistent, then you will know what wholeness feels like and when it’s missing.

Having a quiet daily practice is different than religion that’s all about regurgitating and memorizing the right things to say and think.   Do what feels good for you.  And create your own way.

Piece together what works for you like an organized mosaic tile.

A pattern that makes sense will form.  It can be a mess at the beginning where you have a lot of distractions and noise in your life.

But the more you stay intentional on peace and joy and living purpose-filled, the more spiritual savvy you become. Like when you’re sharpening a skill.

Then as soon as you get comfortable with your peaceful self, your season will change on you.  That’s how life evolves you.

But only when the inner knowing says so.  Not when you think you’re ready for the change.

Live in a cycle of going and faith growing.

If you force memorization or model how others progress, then those ideas are prominent in your mind but not the most necessarily the most helpful to you.

Mimicking can be how you start in the beginning when you’re learning, but after you advance and begin to mature in growing, you have what you need to get going and growing and share in your higher calling.

Then you can come back to being a learner and getting ideas.

Being spiritual is allowing your creative flow to come out of you.

Naturally what you have learned in the past will pop up in your mind out of the blue if that information is meant to help you at the moment.

Because the Universe wants to help you at all times.

When a helpful thought, quote, or verse that you haven’t thought of in a while comes to mind impromptu, you know that it’s “meant to be” for you to recall.

When you read a book, it’s not about quantity or hurrying through.  Speed reading doesn’t help you grow.

It can make you feel like you accomplished more, but what if you take in a few sentences of growth, stop and think about what you read, and how that can help you or apply to your life today?

So many times, we live in a dreamy world of thinking of how the author we don’t know lived, lives, or was thinking… or how so-and-so can use this help or would love this book.

When in reality, we could grow in our own minds with the information that we were just allowed to enter. We can stay curious with our growth.

It can start with a question like: what is this?

If it’s not for you now, then feel free to put it away. Even if you were excited about picking up or purchasing a book.

If after a few chapters, you find that your mind drifts, this is a sign you’re having a connection block with what you’re reading.

Because there are some books you could read from cover to cover hanging on every word (or a movie reel you could watch where you’re glued to your set because you don’t want to miss a second).

Whatever the case, if you have a book that isn’t intriguing you at this moment, you may find you could need that book years down the road if you hold onto it.

Keep a book for as long as you want or check out from the library another time (for you minimalists!). No harm, no foul.  No guilt.

Surprisingly, your higher intellect knew you would need it, otherwise, you wouldn’t have brought it home in the first place.

There’s internal wisdom inside you that knows what you need more than your rational mind reasons.

That takes the mystery out of wonder, as you’re designed to live with a purpose.

We all want things in this life. That makes us human.

The difference is seeing that your timetable of growth to your next calling, project, or venture is a collaborative effort with your faith journey should you decide to accept the mission.

You help yourself by taking steps forward and leaning into busy activity, and knowing when the timing or season is off or has come to an end.

If that’s the case, take your foot off the gas pedal you thought you should be hitting, and go in another direction to live in an authentic flow where you don’t need to know the exact outcome.

Life takes you where you need to go without your need to suffer.

You’ll eliminate anxiety from feelings of overwhelm and underwhelm in your life that doesn’t need to exist for your survival.

Be encouraged that miracles are happening all the time for you. Being in faith curbs anxious thoughts.

If you live in faith, you get to enjoy the process as you connect the dots.

And on your faith journey, you may have many communion opportunities. This isn’t a communion drink but it is a purple drink that symbolizes the king in religion.

It’s made form lychee tropical fruit that you can be curious about and the many natural good things in our world.


Lychee Blueberryade Mocktail Drink

This is a very refreshing day and summertime drink. If you've never had lychee, it tastes like a plum and a grape met. And then when you add blueberry and lemon juice, it's a party!
Course beverage
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 lychee (from can)
  • blueberry tea, brewed (or frozen blueberries)
  • lemon juice
  • Optional: shredded coconut and honey (for zhughing) or an additional lychee with blueberries on a skewer.


  • Add crushed blueberries to the bottom of the glass.
  • Blend brewed blueberry tea, lychee juice, and lemon juice. Aternatively, you can use blueberry juice.
  • Refrigerate to cold.
  • Add blueberries and lychee to drinking glass to decorate, or a honey rim of shredded coconut.