Born Again is a mysterious phrase.

It’s a spiritual reference that you don’t hear often except in churches and The Bible.
And it’s a miraculous life changing event like being born.
To do it again (as in born again) means to live a completely changed life.
Like birth, it’s only once.
And it’s by choice, if ever.
For an adult, it’s a personal decision.
It’s the profound choice that makes this life wondrous because it’s not what you set out for.
It’s what Life tells you in the whispers of the wind.
And your day-to-day living drifts toward those whispers.
Born again is usually marked by adult baptism.
The baptism you had as a baby doesn’t count because you weren’t of mature thinking mind to make the choice.
A conscious baptism personal choice is an important event, like getting married.
There’s no going back as it’s part of your past.
And like the potato waffles that are pictured above, they started out as another form of the same food. Those spuds can’t go back to being a raw potato.
You can’t take back what’s already happened in the past and you can’t go back in your mother’s womb.
And you wouldn’t want to… as life gets better.
Or in this born again case, back into your pre-born again younger self identity.
“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” – John 3:5
After you’re born again, you’re alive with the spirit living inside you.
In the Bible, it’s the same as living with the Holy Spirit.
Becoming Born Again isn’t by coincidence… and your being here is no accident.
The story of your real life birth from your birth parents may have sounded like you were an accident oops! baby, but it was no spiritual accident..
…I know this experience intimately because that’s what happened to me.
And as life is an adventure one day after another, I never set out for that mission.
I didn’t grow up religious either.
This was something I grew into gradually.
Never having been baptized before and then for the first time as a mature adult, that’s when my Born Again life began.
What It’s Like to Be Born Again
It was an ordinary day with extraordinary impact.
You never forget the baptism day.
You wonder how being submerged in a pool of warm water can be so profound.
But it is.
Every fiber of your being changes and you get the rest of your life to figure out how to apply those changes.
Because it’s not like your life has suddenly changed around you.
It the meaning you apply to what just happened in your ceremony.
You’re now living with the Spirit inside you helping to guide you.
And you look at your life and the eclipse differently.
You feel chills and something deeper emotionally happening inside you that you now know are tied to the Spirit inside you.
You’re not alone.
And you can explain where those waves of tears and emotions are coming from.
And when you see a painted sky, it reminds you of where you came from and where your future will be in heaven.
You can be less interested in culture and more interested in your personal growth.
That’s how it was for me.
I grew up in an ego-centric area outside Washington, DC.
…I had to leave those ways to keep going and growing.
And because after Born Again, life has more meaning.
You want to discover more about yourself and your potential.
You’re not just cut out to do a job and retire.
This life is so much more!
And from then on, you know you were touched by God and the Universe in love, finding out what your role and purpose is.
You seek out why you’re specifically here.
Because that’s where your BEST LIFE is.
Gaining Biblical knowledge fuels your understanding as the Word of God and love letter from God who only wants the best for you.
After being Born Again, you know there’s a spirit living inside you to comfort you, send daily messages to you when you ask, and give you favor on any ordinary day.
The Spirit is often referred to as the wind (or a dove)
It’s the same spirit that connects us all under the sun, and that came upon Jesus after he was baptized in the Jordan River.
The connection is an energy.
It’s also the guided handed helper, comforter, and all-knowing messenger all rolled-up-in-one.y.
After The Baptism Honeymoon
After some time has passed from your baptism day, the feelings will fade as you sink back into everyday reality and this life.
It would help you to pray for higher answers, and trust that those be the ones best for you even if they don’t make logical sense.
Pre-Born Again life, I called these gut instincts. I just thought the Universe was in my favor but I didn’t know how.
Now I know it’s the spirit that comes from our Creator source.
To keep growing, you’ll want to surround yourself with like-minded people.
I had to let go of some people in my life who weren’t helping me grow. And you’ll likely face those situations.
And what I gained in my life was people I could trust where many my Christian life, I couldn’t.
No one on earth is perfect but I didn’t have the same people problems from those I chose to surround myself with as friends.
You’ll want to learn from Christians who are motivated to love others and do the life God wants for them.
They are the ones that can help you with Bible interpretations that apply to your life today.
Because they have wisdom and discernment, they can help you navigate without giving up. They help to support your growth, such as becoming more humble and less prideful.
And as a new Born Again butterfly, they are vested to help you because they know they will see you again in the future life.
Looking back, I could see that I acted pretty foolishly when I was younger, but I thought I was invincible and smart at the time.
What to Expect With A Born Again Life
Expect to have favor in your daily Born Again walk if you maintain a deep relationship with your spirit inside you and God.
Also take chances as God is waiting for you to make a move. If you take a small “wrong” step, you’ll learn.
And the more daily, alone walks you do with the spirit, the more clear you become and make less missteps.
You walk straighter to your purpose even when you can’t see the forest through the trees.
Your season in life can look confusing or uncertain like the future is for everyone.
But inside you, you know you’re making the right moves for your purpose.
I started out my adult life mostly in the structured corporate work life as I was learning how to be a Christian.
Then in my second act (Born Again), I got to do satisfying work for myself.
But I needed the skills and know-how that I learned working for and with others.
And bam! one day after I was laid off from one of many corporate jobs… a spiritual intervention happened to me.
About two years after that incident, that’s when I got Born Again.
And that’s when life got really quiet around me. I found I was in sabbatical.
If I weren’t born again, I would’ve been lonely as people weren’t around me regularly.
But instead I felt loved and never alone.
That’s part of the inner peace that comes with being Born Again
That season, the work was easy.
I found I had time to look at personal and spiritual development areas that I didn’t delve into ever before.
I knew I would be provided for even when I didn’t know where on earth that would come from.
I knew it would come from above.
And in your life, you’d know when doors shut it’s not a coincidence or bad luck…
And the ones that open, you’re anointed so you get massive daily favor. Troubles that others face, you dodge.
Problems get miraculously fixed in the places you’re supposed to be in for your purpose.
Those bittersweet open doors aren’t permanent, but they’re nice
And in those experiences, I learned life isn’t about what you do.
…It matters most who and what you’re becoming in this life.
And on the journey, you can be proud to look in the mirror at who you are (that’s not an aged person staring back).
Life looks different than before when the goals were about what you would achieve, how long it would take to retire, and all the material things that could be acquired.
You get more and you get to make impact in the world.
And never alone.
Not for one moment even when I moved to places for years where I knew no one and no one knew me.
And that’s when I could focus on the things that matter. And realize nothing in my past was wasted.
I worked in catering for a reason and it’s no coincidence that one of my passions today is food.
I can’t get enough of coming up with new recipes and enjoying brunch waffles.
And in your Born Again life (if that’s what you choose), you’ll get to do the things you love and were born and gifted to do!