
Cajuzinhos – No Added Sugar

Cajuzinhos are great for festivities and daily enjoyment. And I’m all about the party fare as a former restaurant party planner for several Mediterranean cuisine restaurants.

These cajuzinhos candies are popular in Brazil and you may have seen them in an international grocery store and maybe wondered what the goodies are if you didn’t grow up around them.

They look like these cashew shapes that cajuzinhos are named after…

Healthy cajunzihos recipe below 🪅

But this specific healthy cajuzinho recipe below is paired with all natural ingredients from the peanut butter down to the cocoa, that yields a stronger palatable taste that needs no sugar.

…Yep, you heard right. No added sugar!

For the fun festive candy look and texture with a healthy spin… and is super TASTY good. Can you guess what the sugar alternative is?

Nope, it’s not another type of sugar alternative packet like Splenda or stevia.

Hint: you can eat these candies guilt-free anytime and anywhere, and not have to worry about a visit to the dentista! 🦷

cajuzinhos are shaped like cashews but are mostly peanuts and these are healthy ones without added sugar.

Ok… here’s the complete low-down…

We rolled these in healthy powder. 🍬

Isn’t that clever?

…Or you may be rolling your eyes thinking all the fun is out now.

But I can attest these are even better tasting than if they had sugar!

That’s a testimony from a born and raised sweet tooth! 👧🏻 so that’s sayin’ somethin’!

And when I discovered here in this recipe that collagen powder works well PLUS helps recover joints from any pain, I was over-the-moon punchy-pleased. 🌝

Happy that these are healthy-laced candies, so you’re getting your daily healthy supplement dose, peanut and peanut butter protein, and antioxidant-filled dark cocoa. 🍬

And with those ingredients, these candies are great for all ages… and for those who can’t eat sugar or are concerned with the sugar, as in blood sugar and its effects!

…If you’re aging well, you know what I’m talking about!

And if you’re young, they’re good for hair, skin, and nails. So that’s what’s meant by these candies are good for all (aging) ages! 🧡

They will be gobbled up and if you’re not sure, give them a try.

They take 5 minutes to put together… no baking, no nothing complicated.

Just roll the ingredients together.

If rolling doesn’t work for you, a similar alternative is to use protein powder that will help build muscles (in amino acids). 💪 That’s what most of us need more daily of anyway.

As for the other healthy ingredients, you can find a regular cocoa that is natural and unsweetened (and doesn’t go through a Dutch process with key word being “process”), and then the peanut flavors will come through stronger AND with its cocoa anti-inflammatory and lowering blood sugar effects… the opposite of what sugar will do.

…Isn’t that something to celebrate?

All natural ingredients makes a big difference in healthy eating and when you read the ingredients, you see one or two ingredients, and not 10 or more ingredients which usually means processed or plants 🏭 that are not natural to plants. 🌱

…So what are you waiting for?

You can make these in minutes, just before the samba festa 🎉 rolls in or in time for Carnaval 🎡

Or just for the heck of it and a decorative fun weekend table. 🥳


Cajuzinhos Candy - No added sugar

Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 2 tbsp all natural peanut butter
  • 1 tsp black cocoa
  • ½ cup peanut flour
  • 1-1/2 tsp unsweetened cocoa (100% natural cocoa that's not a Dutch cocoa process)
  • collagen powder for "powdered sugar", unflavored or vanilla (alternatively can use protein powder)
  • loose peanut halves


  • Mix ingredients and form into cashew shapes.
  • Roll into cashew shapes and into collagen powder.
  • Add a peanut half at the top.
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