
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie + Avocado and Coffee

Peanut butter banana smoothie is one good balanced pairing drink. It’s especially good for Vata balancing as both are sweet ingredients.

peanut butter banana smoothie with coffee and avocado.

When you want to kick it up a balancing notch, then add a few more healthy and taste enhancing ingredients.

This one has added avocado and coffee.

Add in an avocado for more balancing power (good for Vata, Pitta and Kaphas) along with coffee for Kapha tired sides.

Vatas are the anxious and worried characteristics in us, plus  the indecisive, inconsistent, or jumpy sides.

We’re complex but our drinks and recipes don’t have to be. 😊

Coffee in a smoothie is a great way to get your anti-inflammatory caffeine in.

Avocado adds healthy fat. When the avocado is ripe, you can add to your smoothie as a fruit and green! 🥑 Either way, it’s a great plant-based way to start your breakfast  day.

The best nut butter to use are the all-natural ones that you stir up that are two ingredients. And nothing beats a ripe banana. Save your green bananas for a snack especially when you don’t want to spike your sugar.

You can keep them green by adding them as a bunch to your crisper drawer and leaving the plastic wrap at the stems. And to ripen quicker for a smoother, pull bananas apart and set out in room temperature. And the ‘ol brown bag works.

Best of all, you’ve primed your gut for proteins so you’re not hungry, help build muscle, and work toward your healthy weight goals.

So here’s the peanut butter banana coffee smoothie. Whatcha waiting for? 😋

peanut butter banana coffee smoothie.

Peanut Butter Banana Coffee Smoothie

These 3 ingredients make a balanced breakfast smoothie.
Course beverage
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 small to medium ripe banana
  • 1 tsp all natural peanut butter
  • coffee
  • 1/2 ripe avocado


  • Blend ingredients and enjoy! This is such a refreshing and awakening beverage.
    Bananas are prebiotic and have fiber, and peanut butter is a good protein source. When you add coffee, you add anti-inflammatory polyphenol benefits. What's missing? An avocado healthy fat for your peanut butter protein and future protein meal to come.

Healthy Fat Foods List Over Myths

Healthy fat foods were once an oxymoron. I was working in hotel catering where we had plenty of decadent high fat dishes around.

Food life was easier back then…

All foods with fat were labelled bad back in those pre-extra virgin olive oil days (where these days olive oils aren’t virgins but we look for the label).

Foods were more black and white and good vs bad foods. That wasn’t the healthy nutrition facts and rainbow variety of foods we would evolve into. 🌈

I share the good, bad, and unusual in this article, plus a healthy fat foods list below.

You can make this frozen strawberry smoothie 🍓dreamsicle with ingredient steps below.

Starting with nuts… pre-milennium, nuts were often seen as healthy fat foods in people’s homes on display.

Shelled nuts were sitting on a tray with maybe de-shelled nuts cracked with a nut cracker sitting near by. Cracking nuts in front of a television was an old-fashioned past-time. Oh, that’s nuts! 😊

Then over the years, nuts became the controversial “bad” snacks to be avoided because of the high fat content. It didn’t matter what the fat was. It was and is the healthy kind. But back then, fat was fat.

And you are what you eat was the mantra that was taken literally.

Then the nutty tide gradually turned (thank you research!) yet again where today all nuts are celebrated and valued as one of the healthy fat foods and healthiest snacks available out there.

Nuts are accepted and recommended in a healthy eating regimen. They have high healthy fat and protein content all in the size of a shelled M&M that could be wrapped around a large peanut.

But joking aside, earlier last year I was feeling stuck with my body as I hit a plateau and I couldn’t get my muscle strength back the same way.

I couldn’t do the same strength yoga moves I’d been doing for a decade. As we age, we lose muscle that we can’t gain back. And that’s a fact for both men and women.

We see proof in former male body builders common in American culture who can’t create the same muscle despite their desire and habits to maintain the muscle they had.

And the same effect in an opposite extreme of a lightweight female (myself 😊) who couldn’t do the same.

…So I tweaked up my diet routines.

I started my morning with a little fat and protein along with fiber. This was after I had started a regular fasting habit that you can too. It’s not that hard. If I can do it, you can too!

And I learned one of the best foods to break the fast with is an avocado, that’s a food celebrity loved by most. It’s beloved and celebrated.

It’s also a mild tasting fruit that can taste like a veggie. From an avocado, I could transition into healthy proteins easily that meant a savory breakfast (vs. a sweet one I had to overcome).

A little fat in your system helps to absorb the foods that have fat-soluble vitamins (D,E,A, andK).

So avocado being a neutral food 🥑 is balancing for Ayurvedic Vata, Pitta, and Kapha bodies.

🎉 Btw, there’s a new search feature 🔎 on this blog site so you can easily look up Vata, Pitta, Kapha, and other healthy blog articles.

…And in my tweaks I also added a little healthy fat snack back. I’m guessing you know what that may be. Yup, good ‘ol nuts!

I hadn’t been eating whole nuts as snacks by themselves for years because I thought they made my skin break out due to nut oils, when I believe it was other Pitta reasons now.

It’s funny the myths we tell ourselves.

…Or we go off of one tell-tale experience we had one season.

Plus, with nuts I had to change my mindset from the previous years where nut and fats were deemed as bad. Those were my nut challenges.

And like me, you could ask yourself: what changing mindsets about and around foods would help you reach your goals?

We can constantly be growing our minds to better ways and new lifestyle habits.

And the fact is our bodies are constantly evolving and renewing daily, so you could start a new regimen by testing healthy foods again that you gave up on before or thought you shouldn’t eat because of past sensitivities or reasons.

It’s healthy for us to add as many as possible healthy rainbow foods and variety into our diet if we’re not allergic because each healthy food has a different profile and makeup, even coming from the same family.

In those ways, then you don’t have to worry about whether you are or aren’t getting enough of one nutrient, vitamin, or mineral.

Or wonder if the supplements you’re taking are absorbed or not. You’re covered either which way with the rainbow assortment of foods on your plate. 🍽️

And when I made the healthy changes I did, I noticed a good difference to my thin-frame Vata body where the muscle tone came back and I could attempt to make progress with the strength yoga moves.

Whether your goal is to gain muscle or lose weight, when you eat healthy fats they increase HDL that increases growth hormone which triggers more amino acids that are building blocks for proteins needed for muscle production.

Muscles over flab is fab! 😊

The distinction is healthy fat foods vs. unhealthy fat foods. I provide a helpful healthy variety list below that can be good reminders.

Walnuts is one on the good list for brain health. They’re easy to remember as they’re shaped like our brains.

They have the powerful ingredient that some healthy fats have: Omega 3.

Omega-3 foods are anti-inflammatory. Omega 3 is good because it’s healthy fat that lowers triglycerides  that’s known to be a risk factor for heart disease.

So here is the promised and promising healthy fat foods list (as part of a recipe for a good body and healthy lifestyle):

Avocado – the super food of healthy fats. It’s chameleon versatility is unparalleled to other plant foods. An avocado also has different names like  alligator pear or butter fruit.

You can see why with the leathery skin, pear shape, and silky center texture. It’s unusual and common that blends well with us peeps.

An avocado seed is also one of the easiest seeds to grow as a plant. Like us, they like room temperature without excess humidity.

Seeds – flaxseed, chia seed, sunflower seed, pumpkin,and hemp seed all have different properties so it’s good to mix them in.

Chia seeds are good toward weight loss goals and adding more calcium for stronger bones.

We often forget about sesame and poppy seeds. They look like cute decorations on foods but they are healthy fat foods that can be added to healthy foods like yogurts and salads.

They don’t just decorate a bagel. Transfer them to your healthy adds.

Natural Almond or Peanut Butters – It’s easy to tell if a nut butter is healthy. The fewer the ingredients on the jar, the better. And when you can stir the oil into the nut butter, even better for the better butter. 😊

Nuts – almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, and pecans are all good common snacking nuts.

Macadamia, Brazilian, cashews, and pine nuts are not as common, but have their own healthy profiles.

Eating a variety for your healthy needs is a good strategy. Each nut is different even though they are healthy fat foods and protein all-in-one. That’s why they’re nutrient-dense.

To salt or not? The unsalted nut versions are better for you because often the salted versions add too much salt. But you could buy a bag of salted and a bag of unsalted and mix the two to your body needs, tastes, and liking.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)– is the good olive oil. The best is usually more bitter.

Finding high-quality, medium-balanced, and a mild extra virgin olive oil for cooking or baking could be your balance.

If you’re going to bake cakes and breads, using an extra virgin olive oil for the monounsaturated fat is a healthy choice over poly or saturated fats.

You can generally tell by the color if it’s light and mild or dark and bold.

The oleic acid oil is one natural healthy profile in EVOO that’s also found in almonds. It’s good for satiating hunger that helps with weight loss.

It also adds Omega-9 food (not as common so you may not have heard of) that can be found in avocados and other foods too that’s good for good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol.

Good is good so don’t mess with good.

EVOO also helps reduce the body’s glycemic response reducing blood sugar levels to help protect against known chronic diseases such as diabetes that’s a growing health concern on the globe.

That’s one reason why EVOO is at the heart of Mediterranean diets, foods, and cooking that’s eaten all around the world and in the Mediterranean Diet.

I worked in Spanish, Italian, and Lebanese restaurants in America doing event planning and marketing. These restaurants served authentic dishes where they learned from their countries’ cuisines and cultural cooking techniques.

Olive oil was always at the heart of dishes. Some of my favorite dishes are: paella, watermelon salad, and risotto.

Not being around those types of foods but pining for their tastes, I was inspired from my experiences. I created my own home recipe versions posted in my recipe log that are weekly being added to.

And to keep the party going here and the healthy fat foods list growing… these are a few more healthy fats.

Healthy Dairy – I think this is the new food controversy because of the variety of processes. Also, there are so many vegan and allergy-friendly versions out there these days that taste great.

If you’re not allergic, there are so many benefits to healthy dairy such as protein, probiotic, and vitamins.

One dairy problem is in cheeses because there’s such a wide variety of cheeses to choose from in types and  processes. Some not so healthy.

And some healthy cheeses I worked with in catering party menus were shanklesh, manchego, burrata, halloumi, feta, and pecorino.

We usually knew the cheese sources, whether it was cow, sheep, goat, or buffalo. We just couldn’t point out which goat or sheep it came from.

But when you’re in a store looking at a sea of cheeses to choose from, it’s a guess at mystery cheese. The packaging won’t tell you much… other than thin slices in a package isn’t straight from a farm.

Pasteurized cheeses we identify with thin slices can often have stripped nutrients and other processes that offset the healthy fat profile.

In rural places like Sardinia with a large number of Centenarians, the goats eat wild grasses that have Omega 3 and antioxidants.

So when we don’t have those options or we simply don’t know, the answer again is variety. When you eat variety, you’re more covered. You can switch up your foods and your healthy cheeses.

For a natural Vata body, this is naturally easy because that’s the taste preference.

But if that’s not your natural way or you like what you like today and don’t want to switch, the better alternative is to add more of other foods to what you like. That way you make room and plant seeds.

And as you think about that, you can consider these other common cheeses:

Cottage cheese with reduced milkfat (and remember to read the sodium and sugar content).

Greek yogurt with reduced milkfat (like cottage cheese, read the labels). Sometimes “reduced” has higher sugar. And “no fat” is almost always a gimme for more sugar.

Eggs –  are a complete protein with essential amino acids. Vitamin A, D, choline and most the B vitamins. So that’s why often you can feel a burst of egg-energy especially if you were feeling low sugar or energy before.

If you grew up with the same nuts controversy I did, then you probably got the same downloaded message about eggs and their bad cholesterol.

This could be the mindset you want to overcome. Because with all the egg-cellent healthy benefits, you may find a new way to bring eggs back to your kitchen.

Look for pasture-raised eggs and Omega-3 eggs. Omega-3 eggs can also benefit insulin sensitivity over insulin resistance so that could tip you in eggs favor.

And since we’re talking protein and healthy fat foods, one of the healthiest swimming out there is wild salmon.

Salmon is a fatty fish and wild salmon is one healthy Omega-3 fat fish.
From working in Mediterranean restaurant kitchens, I learned some of the most wild caught fishes come from the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific Ocean in the northwest areas of America. 

Should you eat farm raised salmon? Personally, I wouldn’t on a regular basis for the same reason you wouldn’t order mystery food and put on a plate.

As alternatives or when not available, you can always switch up to another wild white fish as variety. Or bring home cans of smaller fish.

Anchovies are healthy fat foods.
Anchovies from a tin can make great meals like this pesto pizza for one.

Having that backup plan is always calming. In my pantry, I’m prepared with options. And that can be your plan!

As a home baker or cook, you can source practical foods like extra virgin olive oil.

…I also like coconut oil. For controversial oils, it’s a saturated fat but is good in another way as it has a much higher good HDL profile than other oils. It also has a low bad LDL compared to even extra virgin olive oil.

So in moderation, when my tastes change I add a ‘lil oil to my morning coffee and other edibles I can dream up ✨ like dreamy smoothies.

One you may enjoy is this strawberry tropical smoothie that has a little strawberry popsicle and orange dreamsicle blended in one 🍓And a little healthy fat add is up to you! 🎉


Frozen Strawberry Smoothie Dreamsicle Sunrise

This is a reminder of childhood popsicles.
Course beverage
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 3 frozen strawberries.
  • almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • basil, mint, or cilantro.
  • orange juice
  • coconut oil (optional)


  • Blend the ingredients. When you add the herby flavor, it gives a third dimension. Mint will be mildest, basil is middle of the road, and cilantro will the the most pungent. Save Money Tip: you can freeze your fresh organic strawberries when they are in season.
  • Pour about 3/4 full, leaving a little room for the orange dreamsicle layer.
  • Mix orange juice and milk about half and half.
  • After frozen, pour the orange layer on top.
  • Freeze again or add crushed ice to the top layer
  • Enjoy!

Blueberry Smoothie Cheesecake Dessert

Blueberry smoothie mornings start your day right with a brightening healthy boost. They can also make a great afternoon dessert with low or no added sugar other than natural fruit.

A dessert blueberry smoothie is super easy to put together in minutes. No baking needed and cool enough for hot temperature days.

blueberry smoothie with cheesecake flavors for a dessert smoothie.

And smoothie ingredients in this blueberry cheesecake one are simple and healthy. 🫐 So often we want something sweet in the day.

And instead of going for a high calorie and refined sugar shake or food dessert bite, a blueberry cheesecake smoothie could be the fix for our sweet tooth.

The sugar source is all-natural fruit.

The healthy notes:

Blueberries that have AA goodness in Anthocyanin Antioxidants.

And another great point with blueberries is there is no traces of fruit leftover. So you can enjoy the fruit and not have to think about disposing  a seed or core, or recycling a can.

Blueberries are a super smart food choice for more reasons than one!

And this blueberry treat is combined with cottage cheese that gives a balanced cheese “cake” taste. Plus, you’re getting protein, B-vitamins (B-6, B-9, and b-12), calcium, and more.

Blending in a ripe peach 🍑 is the perfect pair (not pear 🍐).

Peaches have lycopene antioxidants like tomatoes. And for a tad more sweetness and Vitamin C, pineapple juice will do the trick.

Hope you give the blueberry smoothie  a try and instead of being loaded down, enjoy the healthy energy. ✨

And if your body craves more sugar, adding a little maple syrup sweetness is a good balance to tip this over to the happy dessert edge you deserve while staying cool to your body.

You could also pair this with a cooling blueberry cheesecake and other cool summer dessert recipes. For more antioxidant and healthy foods to add to your grocery list 🛒, check out these 200 anti-inflammatory foods.


Blueberry Cheesecake Smoothie

This tastes like a light blueberry cheesecake that you can enjoy with your breakfast.
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • blender


  • ½ cup frozen blueberries
  • ½ cup cottage cheese (no need to drain)
  • 1/2 cup milk of choice
  • 1 Tbsp pineapple juice
  • ½ peach, diced


  • Blend ingredients and enjoy! Optional: zhugh with your peach. Alternatively, you could use oranges or orange slice.

Orange Juice vs. Mango Juice Alternatives

Orange juice vs. mango juice is hard to tell the difference when squeezed. But easy to tell when tasted. Mango is also much thicker.

Orange juice vs. mango juice. Which is this?
This is fresh mango juice. 🥭

And today orange juice is making waves and not much juice. The OJ shelves are not full like they’ve always been. There are always grocery food item shortages, but this one was a shocker!

Or is it?

That’s up for debate.

And that doesn’t change the grocery shelves.

With orange juice on the tight squeeze, a refreshing juice alternative option that’s affordable is mango juice that you can easily squeeze at home.

The NEW debate can be orange juice vs. mango juice.

This is not orange juice, it's affordable fresh mango juice.
Both these are mango juice and not orange juice.

Yes, FRESH mango juice in seconds.

Mango has the same color as orange juice in a glass and looks like orange juice with extra extra pulp.

But this is such a refreshing and sweet beverage.

You may never go back! 🧡

It’s also easy to tell when a mango fruit is ripe. Because it’s soft when ripe. And when unripe, hard like a softball (…btw, why do they call them softballs?). ⚾️

Anyway, when the mango turns soft to the touch where you can push your fingers into the mango, then it’s SWEET and ready for your eating OR DRINKING enjoyment!

Don’t worry, mangoes aren’t bruise sensitive like apples.

The tricky part is getting around the slippery fruit after the skin is peeled off.

There is always an irregular shaped flat seed in the middle. You’re best off to use a butter knife just in case the mango slips away from you.

Cut off small chunks and slivers and add to your blender or Magic Bullet that I use.

And then as you get closer to the seed, you can leave the fruit alone and enjoy for yourself like corn on the cob before it slips away from you! 😋

And if that doesn’t appeal to you, how about squeezing your own ORANGE + JUICE. I think it tastes so much better and without added sugar.

There’s nothing that screams luxury breakfast more than freshly squeezed juice.

When’s the last time you saw that on the menu?

So, lesson learned: a fruit juice shortage is an opportunity to seek abundance and make your own fruit juices like juice from oranges.

Or mangoes that are healthy fruits with Vitamins A, C, K, beta-carotene and minerals to name a few nutrients.

Whether it’s orange juice vs. mango, both are great! And maybe you get used to no-added sugar as  a bonus. 🎉





Plant Based Breakfast Ideas For Better Low Sugar Habits

Plant-based breakfast ideas encourage our better low sugar healthy habits that help our bodies protect us against inflammation and preventable lifestyle diseases like Type 2 Diabetes.

Plant-based can be delicious and filling like a Three Sisters dish where the trifecta effect is proteins, carbs, and fiber.

Three Sisters makes for great plant based breakfast ideas.
Net healthy plant-forward 3 Sisters dish with butternut squash, corn, and black beans. Imagine starting your day with this trifecta!

Eating more plant-based foods also help our warming planet and climate change causes.

And when we align all of those intentions with farm-to-table delicious eating and seasonal food preferences, we’re restoring our Ayurvedic body balance…

Some simple examples are: we want to eat and drink lighter, cool foods like cereals, smoothies, and cold brew beverages on warm days. And prefer comfort, warm porridge and potato food on cold days.

With rapid climate change these days, we often flip flop back and forth daily and seasonally. We use our internal body cues and external clues to keep us balanced.

It’s good to be aware how all this healthy information helps us.

And the good news is there’s a plant-based fix for all of us.

Below are some plant-based breakfast ideas that can get you excited about your health, energy, and planet with unusual climate changes… plus help you lower your sugar intake.

An evolving earth appreciation drink like this is full of surprises like blueberries showing up at certain times.

Like an Earth Day layered drink helps us appreciate all the constantly changing stratospheres in our planet. And this is a metaphor for our lives where nothing stays the same.

Lowering Your Sugar in Breakfasts

Firstly, if you started out like I did as a sweet tooth (or still are one 😋), you know there’s definitely hope if you want to change your tastes from sugary sweet to lower sugar, healthy plant-based breakfast ideas…

Many years ago, I had a guest coming over for the holidays that I learned was diabetic. I knew I had to come up with a sweet option for this special guest. That was the only option for this former party planner (where finding a way was the only way and “once a food planner, always a planner”).

I sympathized because I couldn’t imagine going through life without sweets! 🍭

So around town I drove and picked up a bag of diabetic cookies (substituting refined sugar with maltitol). If you’re not familiar, monk fruit sugar is commonly used today as the new maltitol ingredient. I use monk fruit sugar often out of healthy preference. You don’t have to be diabetic.

And anyway, I fell in love with those diabetic cookies. I figured the guest would be as excited as I would to have an after dinner dessert with the rest of us.

Those were the days when AllRecipes was one of the very few online sites you could find recipes besides OG Martha Stewart and offline cookbooks that never grow old.

There weren’t diabetic recipe sites.

…And so, when the holiday dinner rolled around, I mentioned the cookies to the diabetic guest, and I learned something very profound I’ll never forget when he declined the sweet offer…

💡The sweet taste was no longer even a category for this person who hadn’t had a sweet bite since his diagnosis.

That was an eye-opener. Because previously I thought people were born with a sweet tooth or they weren’t (and could do nothing about their sweet sentence). And I definitely was in the first category. 

When I started upon my own journey to reduce daily sugar intake, I was reminded of those lessons.

I then knew I could gradually wean off of sugar as others had (like the diabetic guest) from changing habits.

And if I knew that sooner,  I probably would’ve done so sooner.

And that’s like how most of us are with our areas we want to change: we don’t know what we don’t know. 🤔

When I gradually took in less sugar, I found I craved sugar less.

I didn’t have to do the heavy lifting all myself.

My body helped me and it helps all of us when we don’t keep overfeeding our sugar cravings.

…A light cookie with a sweet tea flavor without extra sugar will do the trick. It doesn’t have to be the portions served at restaurants.

And baking your own sweet goods can save you because you don’t have a large box sitting around tempting you.

You can simply make less and then you’ve taught yourself that working for a sweet is a reward.

You satiate your sweet craving with a tiny bite that’s also the most delicious bite.

💡In economic terms, that’s: the marginal utility wears off with each bite.

💡In nutrition terms, that’s: intuitive and mindful eating helps you appreciate your food as part of daily joy and helps build a healthy relationship with food.

And in my first tries, making it through those habit forming days where I reached for a low-sugar cereal over cookies was sobering but still doable. One step forward, two steps back.

But I knew deeper down I could go a day without sugar.

And the opportunity arose where I chose to fast from sugar with a church-wide fast event. This was for our spiritual growth. We could choose anything that was addictive to us.

I was in a Bible book club then studying the book of Isaiah and learned that the people in that day were addicted to idols that caused their problems.

And without a moment’s hesitation, I picked sweets as the first thought that came to mind.

From the sweet fast experience, I learned I didn’t even crave sweets when I had an intention and was determined for a desired outcome.

But I was still stunned at what happened.

Because that was a new concept to me: what… not desire sweets!?…that would’ve shocked all my closest friends as I always had a piece of candy or something sweet on me even when I wasn’t aware.

It’s no surprise that when I was younger, I was a sucker for mosquitoes that loved my sweet blood.

And then in 2021, I started baking weekly. I added less and less sugar into my bakes. And sometimes not using refined sugar or monk fruit sugar at all and only using whole fruits, spices, and other healthy natural powder ingredients.

It was hard for me to add spoonfuls of sugar when I knew how harmful sugar is for both the body and mind.

And that became my healthy way out of sugar when my skin became inflamed with eczema during the uncertain early days of the pandemic when I was also building up a pantry and starting to home cook more.

Eczema was my wake up call.

It was my body’s warning to me that I took seriously.

And the effect was a much lighter consequence than a destroying gut microbiome outcome, Diabetes or other chronic disease diagnosis.

I used healthy teeth as one of my motivators for a comeback to heathy eating.

…As a kid I loved eating spoonfuls of white sugar straight out of the glass sugar jar. I always had cavities, and that thought alone makes me run to celery or carrots.

And yeah that was many decades ago, but that’s pretty much what we’re doing when we buy processed sweets or sugary sodas. It’s not our fault because they’re in our face all the time.

And in America and the Western world cultures, that’s just a gimme.

Plus, Vata bodies love sweets! Others do too, but it’s a given with a Vata. We were born with this desire that we can turn into a healthy one.

And you and I can survive on fruit and natural powder only sweets that are loaded with polyphenol antioxidants. I haven’t met a fruit yet that didn’t have antioxidant vitamins. 😊

This works over fighting willpower that never works. Because what you tell yourself “no” to only builds energy more toward the thought.

If you’re jonesing for southern-style Devils Food Cake, you’re not going to head for white cloud Angel Cake without a higher intervention. ☁️

Distraction and replacement are sweet answers for sugary and processed snack food cravings.

You can turn to plant-based foods, like popcorn for potato chips… and get into an activity that takes your mind off food, like a fasting habit or gardening.

If someone tells me they have a sweet tooth craving they think they could never satiate or change, I know that’s not true. It’s all made up in the mind.

You can live with a lower, healthy amount of sugar every day. That starts with your first meal where you break the fast or breakfast.

Easy Low-Sugar Plant Based Breakfast Ideas For Starters

For starters, opt for a protein. You can start with a protein shake if that fits your preferences like a layered drink that has protein powder.

As you age, your body need to increase your intake of essential amino acids to compensate for muscle loss.

Add a healthy fat like avocado that’s great when you break a fast, first thing at breakfast, or if you’ve been fasting overnight or longer.

During my catering work days, we always had a Crudite platter available for vegetarians. Raw veggies are a great way to prime the stomach first and add some roughage fiber that the gut needs.

Raw carrots, bell peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, celery, and asparagus are great examples.

They’re easy to put together on a plate. And if you need a dipping sauce, you can always use a Greek yogurt with dill as a savory healthy beginning.

And if you take vitamins, you do better taking fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E, and K with some fat in your body. So it’s better to take those after or with your meal where you’ve had some avocado, oil, nut, or seeds in your system.

Black bean quinoa cereal. Both ingredients have protein. Add cocoa powder if you want brownie bite tastes and top with chia, flax, hemp, sunflower, etc.

Greek yogurt sundae. Add your whole fruits like banana and berries.

Sprinkle with your favorite nuts like sliced almonds, walnuts, or pistachios. Don’t be shy with your seeds. Cantaloupe and melon seeds loaded with vitamins are a nice vitamin addition too.

Oatmeal with apples or applesauce. If you’re leaning toward a little sweet taste, add Ceylon cinnamon (our Ayurvedic Vata go-to spice). This will set you up for a sweet bite without tipping the scales.

Chocolate avocado mousse. This is a great one you can blend up in seconds with dark cocoa and a ripe avocado.

Tasty anti-inflammatory chocolate avocado mousse recipe below. 👇

Main Points

Be easy on yourself.

Be open to give the plant-based breakfast ideas a try. Pick a few more of your favorite healthy ingredients such as a banana or an avocado and let your creative breakfast imagination go wild!

Don’t give up. Not creating a deadline or rules can be the magic formula that eliminates the pressure.

Change your words and thoughts. Say, “Yum this tastes great even when it tastes odd to you.” That helps your mind to agree with you when you’re trying to be healthy.

Then next time, introduce a new healthy food or spice. Let the odd new tastes take over until they win you over.

And if you want to learn how to add fasting to your sustainable healthy habits to eliminate snacking, sweets, and extra pounds, check out the free IF guide.

If you still have a sweet hankering, you can enjoy your plant-based breakfast ideas with a decadent aroma tea like the chocolate mint black tea I’m sipping on. 🧉 And you can pair with a healthy start.


Anti-Inflammatory Chocolate Avocado Mousse

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • almond milk
  • unsweetened 70% cocoa (natural, not dutch processed)
  • raspberries
  • shredded coconut


  • Blend milk, avocado, and cocoa.
  • Zhugh with raspberries. These are anti-inflammatory ingredient pairings.


To make this healthy version is 3 main ingredients: ripe avocado, almond milk, and unsweetened cocoa (garnished with raspberries and shredded coconut).