This is a divine pairing that's cooling, light, luscious, and healthy!
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Author Brandy @ Healthy Happy Life Secrets
lemon curd
frozen strawberry
Plain Greek yogurt (whole milk fat)
additional lemon zest for zhugh
lime zest (optional)
Thaw frozen strawberry so that it's mushy and there's strawberry juice. Mash to the bottom of your glass. Then freeze again until ready to make the parfait.
Make your lemon curd and refrigerate until cold.
Add your lemon curd ontop the frozen or semi-frozen strawberry layer. You can de-thaw in the fridge a few hours before you're ready to eat.
Add yogurt to the top layer as it makes this snack luscious to enjoy! Zest with lemon for zing and also lime for a citrus twist!